rough around the edges

(a little/bit) rough around the edges

1. Unpolished, imperfect, or unkempt, but generally able or ready for use or action. This video is still a bit rough around the edges, but it's pretty close to what we want the finished product to look like. This old truck's a little rough around the edges, but it's still the most reliable vehicle I've owned.
2. Somewhat lacking in refinement, sophistication, manners, etc. The workers on the oil rig are a little bit rough around the edges, but they're damn decent chaps, every single one of them. Yeah, my local bar is rough around the edges all right, but I think that's what gives it its character and charm.
3. Somewhat sick or unwell, especially because one is suffering from a hangover. Bill: "So, I hear you had a wild night out. How you feeling this morning?" Ted: "A little rough around the edges, but not as bad as I thought I'd be."
See also: around, edge, little, rough
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

rough around the edges

1. If something is rough around the edges, it is mostly good, but not completely perfect. It's rough around the edges, perhaps, but this frank and funny film establishes Harris as a talent to watch. The house was a bit rough around the edges but it was fine for us.
2. If a person is rough around the edges, they have some negative qualities, such as not being stylish, polite or well-educated. He's a bit rough around the edges but he's wonderful with kids.
See also: around, edge, rough
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

rough around the edges

having a few imperfections.
See also: around, edge, rough
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • (a little/bit) rough around the edges
  • (a little/bit) rough around the edge
  • (a little/bit) rough and ready
  • rough and ready
  • rough-and-ready
  • rough edges
  • rough
  • in rough
  • the
  • little
References in periodicals archive
It certainly has a distinct look - more striking than stunning, a little rough around the edges, but with a harsh beauty that grows as the game unfolds.
I don't care if it's rough around the edges, I don't care if someone's "dirty" or "blue," but I like there to be a niceness somewhere in there.
Although it can get a bit rough around the edges after a hard frost, it will stay the course - with tired foliage being replaced by fresh new fronds in June.
"It's a bit rough around the edges here, but it's rare to see the police."
The 17-time Grand Slam champion arrived at the press conference looking a little rough around the edges coming from an overnight flight without sleep but the 32-year old managed to put her Serena face on and handled a couple of hard hitting questions.
I think he's probably the most truthful, real person you could ever wish to meet--maybe a bit too rough around the edges for some, but he's never afraid to credit God with standing by him in every decision he's ever made.
Its office space, for example, "is still a bit rough around the edges, but that reflects on who we are and what we do," he said.
Not unlike the garage band it portrays, "The Black Suits" is rough around the edges but offers considerable charms.
This is ok; itEeAufs not meant to be a proud cool cake, itEeAufs meant to be slightly rough around the edges and home-made, and the creme fraiche and berries will hide any dips and cracks!
THEY'RE rough around the edges but this is clean-cut and fun.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Warner is said to be a bit rough around the edges and has therefore been able to find a headline like England's bowlers have found Shane Watson's front pad.
"If I was in a film I'd be the baddie - I'm a bit rough around the edges.
The band admitted they were worried the US wouldn't like their rough around the edges style and so are surprised by their success.
Let's tell the truth about Greenland, because Greenland's Madison Avenue schtick was to tell the truth: Leo Greenland was a little rough around the edges. He made his mark selling Johnnie Walker, and selling it with sex.
Predictably, the demo is rough around the edges. Like all the best things are.