a kick in the butt
a kick in the butt
A forceful gesture or message of some kind (usually delivered with good intentions) that acts as motivation to the (previously unmotivated) recipient. These days, teenagers seem to need a swift kick in the butt to convince them to do well in school. That speeding ticket was the kick in the butt that Dan needed to get his driving under control.
See also: butt, kick
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
kick in the butt
verbSee kick in the seat of the pants
See also: butt, kick
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- kick in the butt
- kick in the pants
- kick in the pants, a
- a kick in the pants
- kick in the (seat of the) pants, a
- a kick up the backside
- an iron hand
- iron hand
- kick in the rear