rose-colored glasses

rose-colored glasses

An unduly idealistic, optimistic, sentimental, or wistful perspective on or about something. Primarily heard in US. I know Sarah looks on our childhood with rose-colored glasses, but I can't put aside how difficult my parents' failing marriage was for all of us. Despite doing worse every quarter for the last two years, our boss keeps seeing the business through rose-colored glasses. You need to take off your rose-colored glasses for a moment and realize that there are serious problems in the world that need fixing.
See also: glass
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • rose-coloured spectacles
  • rose-tinted spectacles
  • rose-tinted glasses
  • wear rose-colored glasses
  • slave
  • slave to
  • be a slave of (something)
  • be a slave to (something)
  • be a slave to/of something
  • be no love lost between (two people)
References in periodicals archive
"We are not inclined to wear rose-colored glasses and are aware that such unfriendly manifestations are still predominant, to our regret," the Kremlin spokesman noted.
Remove the rose-colored glasses before that next big decision or major initiative.
Over the years, I've been accused many times of looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. Despite the challenges I've faced (and I've definitely had my share), I've chosen to find the upside of a situation and the opportunities it presents.
As I put on my rose-colored glasses, I hope this restructuring encourages the system at large to coordinate care better, to improve our information systems to share relevant clinical data, and to encourage quality improvement at the practice level so that we move toward improved outcomes for our patient populations.
Therefore, we should remove our rose-colored glasses and ask ourselves, "Why do they hold this opinion?" In other words, do they have something to gain?
They look at America's past through rose-colored glasses and want what (in their mind) was.
Denying themselves rose-colored glasses? The answer is the birth of an entire community of people who dare to change the structure that ensures their depression is real.
At the risk of applying rose-colored glasses to reconsider a film that aspired to be nothing more than a lobotomized Three Stooges routine, the original "Dumb and Dumber" possessed a certain je ne sais quoi that distinguished it from its fellow bottom-feeders.
It's somewhat of a tradition to look at American life through rose-colored glasses, and parents have long been on the forefront of this tendency.
"It's a kind of whitening of the landscape, an optimistic view of the world, like looking through rose-colored glasses but with white.
Most people tend to see the world and themselves through rose-colored glasses. While people with clinical depression tend to see the world more realistically, unfortunately they also see themselves through dark-colored glasses.
Some would say through "rose-colored glasses," but perhaps it is more accurate to say through a set of ever-changing and adapting spectacles.
Fitzpatrick does not write with rose-colored glasses or present the characters as ideals.
Our dreams of the future are colored (as the saying goes: "through rose-colored glasses") by an optimism bias.
While discussing her new book- 'The Kennedy Chronicles: The Golden Age of MTV Through Rose-Colored Glasses'- Kennedy told Huffington Post that the Chicago Bulls superstar had invited her to his hotel room while playing a game of dice.