room for doubt

room for doubt

A chance that something might not be as straight-forward or true as it seems. Because there is still room for doubt in this case, I think we need to review the facts before even considering our verdict.
See also: doubt, room
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • a one in a million chance
  • a one-in-a-million chance
  • in doubt
  • get to first base
  • get to first base, to
  • without/beyond doubt
  • beyond (a) doubt
  • beyond a doubt
  • beyond a/the shadow of a doubt
  • (someone or something) promises well
References in classic literature
The most famous of all the art-critics has said, "There is no room for doubt, here--plainly this child is in trouble."
But there was no room for doubt: there was the arrow, right in the centre of the bull's-eye!
"There don't seem much room for doubt concerning that, sir," Mr.
"Then the prince said: `Take notice that in all probability he will be disguised as a cavalier;' which seems to me to leave no room for doubt, since you are dressed as a cavalier and not as an officer of musketeers.
Nevertheless Hook's words had left no room for doubt. The cup was poisoned.
There was no room for doubt in the prince's mind: one of the voices was Rogojin's, and the other Lebedeff's.
There remained no room for doubt that the contagion had lurked in that gorgeous mantle, which threw so strange a grace around her at the festival.
She fell in love un- der circumstances that leave no room for doubt in the matter; for you need imagination to form a notion of beauty at all, and still more to discover your ideal in an unfamiliar shape.
Besides, I have pointed out what are the laws of nature; and, with no other principle upon which to found my reasonings except the infinite perfection of God, I endeavored to demonstrate all those about which there could be any room for doubt, and to prove that they are such, that even if God had created more worlds, there could have been none in which these laws were not observed.
We will not, I said, be over-positive as yet; but if, on trial, this conception of justice be verified in the individual as well as in the State, there will be no longer any room for doubt; if it be not verified, we must have a fresh enquiry.
I shuddered when I reflected that there was no longer any room for doubt; and that, beyond all hope of escape, we were now placed in those very circumstances from the bare thought of which I had recoiled with such abhorrence but a few days before.
Paul's reply left no room for doubt. Seizing the young man firmly round the waist, he kissed him with extreme fervour on both cheeks.
A report into services in Dundee leaves no room for doubt. Vulnerable people in the city are being failed.
After the Pirates built a 51-27 lead at half time, it was just a matter of going through the motions of winning with twins Jaycee and Jayvee Marcelino, Reymar Caduyac, Jayson David and peppery guard Renz Navarro leaving no room for doubt.
She said there should be no possible room for doubt of what exactly is Sarawak's status within Malaysia.