

1. slang A useless drunkard. Sometimes hyphenated. This part of town is filled with addicts and rumdums. That old rum-dum hasn't held down a job in over 10 years. He's been too busy roaming from bar to bar.
2. slang A very stupid, bumbling, incompetent person. Sometimes hyphenated. I can't believe they appointed that rumdum to run the company. This device is so simple that even rum-dum like me can use it.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


and rum-dum (ˈrəmˈdəm)
1. n. a drunkard; a ruined alcoholic. I don’t want to end up like a dirty rum-dumb.
2. n. a stupid person. Hey, rumdum, wise up and do what you are told.
3. mod. alcohol intoxicated. The old lady got rumdum on gin.


See rumdum
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • rum-dum
  • dum
  • dums
  • sozzler
  • souse
  • rummy
  • dumb-dumb
  • dum-dum
  • bleeding edge
  • hit-and-miss
References in periodicals archive
It might not be thought that at the height of the First World War a future British Prime Minister as Secretary of State for the Colonies would have given undivided attention to North Borneo's "Rumdum Rebellion," but a report is there in a handsomely bound volume.
Young Pete listened to his father spin romantic tales of Prohibition days with his cronies, speaking in a roguish way of gin mills and rumdums, reciting the lore that Protestants had passed the stupid law banning booze to stymie the appetites of Irish immigrants.