riddle me this/that

riddle me this/that

Used to humorously or sarcastically emphasize a question that undercuts another person's self-assuredness. One uses "this" when the phrase comes before the question and "that" when it comes after. Adapted from the catchphrase of The Riddler, a villain character in the Batman universe of comics, films, and video games. You act like you have it all figured out, but riddle me this: How are we supposed to get that much cash in less then a day? Besides, if you quit your job, how are you going to pay for all these plans, huh? Riddle me that!
See also: riddle, that, this
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • are we having fun yet
  • Are we having fun yet?
  • believe it or not
  • bion
  • BDE
  • (I) would if I could
  • aforethought
  • this just in