Supremos have told the superstar, last seen in hit
rib-tickler The Waterboy, that he will be welcome to visit the zoo at any time to study the animals ...
Zoo ban star is a primate suspect
So, for ze Pulitzer-style update of my block-buster,
rib-tickler Das Kapital, I bring you Das Technophobe, ze penetratink revelations into ze hearts unt minds of ze downtrodden, misunderstood sandals-wearink, bearded folks who are programmink ze computers for ze coming millenium.
"Madmen in authority." (impact of information technology) (The Soft Machine)
But Adil Ray's
rib-tickler reliably pulls in fewer (not less) than three million viewers.
It Khan't get any worse
funIdo tak yo th tge sh in was Ce Add slapstic harmony and Add slapstick and marital disharmony and you have the recipe for a surefire
rib-tickler. That's the play....
Players give 110% commitment to Shakespearean shirt
The comedian, along with fellow
rib-tickler Rob Brydon, featured Hipping Hall in their series The Trip, in which they played exaggerated characterisations of themselves, while reviewing a number of restaurants in the north of England.
Period piece & total quiet
As anyone who's ever been to an epic Dodd gig will know, there's an element of benign Stockholm syndrome involved - that strange occurrence in which the kidnapped warm to their abductors - and this 75-minute
rib-tickler proves to be perfect family entertainment as there isn't a swear word or smutty innuendo on the agenda.
The Man With The Flaming Battenburg Tattoo is the third show in his trilogy that includes The Award-Winning Mince Pie and The Cat That Looked Like Nicholas Lyndhurst and it promises to show the ranting
rib-tickler in a much calmer, more chilled-out light.
But the insultingly bad Scouse accent was less of a
Review; AL MURRAY The Empire
Hardly a
rib-tickler, but it got the desired effect.
Compassionate Conservatism is alive and well in Brum; TORIES
Now 75, theKnotty Ash
rib-tickler will celebrate 50 years in show business in September.
That something for me is the fact that it defies at least some of the conventions of the standard Hollywood
Videoscene: You may not like it - but there's something funny about Mary!
Film-maker Peter Farrelly said: "Jim has most of the liver, so Woody's not ageing well." In the film, by the team, whose hits include Dumb & Dumber and the recent raunchy
rib-tickler There's Something About Mary, the twins run a seedy burger bar in Rhode Island.
Doubled up at the Siamese jokers
In this festive
rib-tickler, the first of a two-part special, the unlucky-inlove shop owner has received two proposals of marriage.
Setting the scene for another ribald
rib-tickler, Mel told the last four: "You'll be making Schichttorte." Noticing this German layer-cake sounded a bit naughty, Sue shrieked: "They might make a good one!" Be still my aching sides.
Layer upon layer of smut
MY favourite joke about Yorkshiremen goes like this: "I say what I like, and I like what I bloody well say!" That old
rib-tickler could have been written with one Geoffrey Boycott Esq in mind.
Blunder-ful Boycott! 'THE WAY I SEE IT...'