comes with the territory
Related to comes with the territory: On a par, To Say the Least, give rise to, give it a shot, pay a visit, run an errand
1. verb, vulgar slang To orgasm. The alternate spelling "cum" is often used. I don't think I'll sleep with him again—I didn't come the last time.
2. noun, vulgar slang Semen. Will a black light pick up bodily fluids like come?
come with the territory
To typically accompany a certain situation; to be a usual consequence or related issue. When you're the boss, staying late at the office just comes with the territory. Sleep deprivation comes with the territory of being a new parent.
See also: come, territory
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
and cum1. in. to experience an orgasm. (There is no other single word for this meaning. Usually objectionable.) God, I thought she’d never cum.
2. n. semen. (Usually objectionable.) Do you think cum is alive?
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
/become unstuck To break down or fall apart: a marriage that came unstuck after only a year.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
comes with the territory
Is part of specific conditions or circumstances. For example, “You may not like dealing with difficult customers, but it comes with the territory.” The term, which originally alluded to traveling salesmen who had to accept whatever they found in their assigned region, or “territory,” soon came to be extended to other areas. It dates from the second half of the twentieth century.
See also: come, territory
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
- come
- jerk off
- jerk off (of something)
- crap
- crapped
- craps
- dished
- whank off