
reverberate through (something or some place)

Of a sound, to fill and resound through something or some place in a series of loud echoes. The singer's booming voice reverberated through the dance hall. The sound of gunshots has been reverberating through the war-torn city for weeks.
See also: reverberate, through

reverberate throughout (something or some place)

Of a sound, to fill and resound throughout something or some place in a series of loud echoes. The singer's booming voice reverberated throughout the dance hall. The sound of gunshots has been reverberating throughout the war-torn city for weeks.
See also: reverberate, throughout

reverberate with (something)

To be filled with the resounding echoes of some loud sound. The dance hall reverberated with the music of the rock-and-roll band. The war-torn city reverberated with the sound of gunshots.
See also: reverberate
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

reverberate through something

[for sound] to roll through or pass through a space. The thunder reverberated through the valley. The sound of the organ reverberated through the church.
See also: reverberate, through

reverberate throughout something

[for sound] to roll about and fill a space. The thunder reverberated throughout the valley. The noise of chairs scraping the floor reverberated throughout the room.
See also: reverberate, throughout

reverberate with something

to echo or resound with something. The hall reverberated with the rich basso voice of Walter Rogers. The church reverberated with the roar of the pipe organ.
See also: reverberate
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • reverberate through
  • reverberate through (something or some place)
  • reverberate throughout
  • reverberate throughout (something or some place)
  • reverberate with
  • reverberate with (something)
  • resound
  • resound through
  • resound through (something or some place)
  • ring with
References in periodicals archive
Thursday Feb 19 - Reverberate Knowsley at Kirkby Suite
The lapdog in the foreground of the one echoes contrarily with the hound in the other; the close triangulation of heads (Morisot's, Antoine Guillemet's, and Fanny Claus's) resounds vaguely with the different dispersal of Velazquez's, the Infanta Margarita's, and that of her curtseying maid; the grouping of hands (Morisot's light finger-clasp of honor, Guillemet's fist and cheroot-bearing grip, Claus's glove-adjusting movement) reverberates remotely with the painter's brush- and palette-hands and the Infanta's taking of the pitcher from her kneeling maid.
The architects aimed to make a building that 'reverberates with its surroundings' while enriching the experience of Parisian sports enthusiasts.
Offering suggestions and warnings that potentially reverberate up through the year 2020, The Financial Universe even contemplates the astrological sign of America as a nation, and considers the implications of this birth sign on the future of American finances as a whole as surely as what this means for one's own private investments.
The echoes of the past combined with the hurly-burly of today reverberate in 3,000-year-old Jerusalem, capital of Israel.
More than a decade after it came and went, the century's largest El Nino warming continues to reverberate in the Pacific, according to scientists who have detected what is -- by the standards of oceanography -- an ancient wave rippling through the northwest part of that ocean.
The great Masses would make the church walls reverberate.
The effects of Satyam scandal reverberate in the stock exchange of Uttar Pradesh.
The words reverberate with emotional resonance and Reading rides the waves with accomplished skill.
Some of the shock waves from this focused blast radiate through Earth's stratified layers and reverberate back.
These poetic prayers reverberate with abundant faith, and speak of God as the One who is with us always, welcoming all who turn around and embrace His love.
In our present climate, which may be with us for as long as the cold war was, Allen's country-crooner wisdom comes through, telling the small and tall tales of a few characters whose stories reverberate on civilization's stage.
All these settings reverberate with meaning as the novel progresses.
The Mussau Island excavations, however, suggest to Kirch that the early rumblings of Lapita culture reverberate farther west.
As she slides down the grid, the scratchy, ripping noises reverberate through the theater.