
Related to return: Return on Investment
  • as a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly
  • by return
  • by return (of post)
  • by return mail
  • by return mail and by return post
  • by return post
  • come back to haunt one
  • diminishing returns
  • in return
  • in return for
  • in return for (something)
  • many happy returns
  • many happy returns of the day
  • pay something back/return something with interest
  • point of no return
  • point of no return, the
  • return (from something) with (someone or something)
  • return (someone's) compliment
  • return (something) for (something)
  • return for
  • return from
  • return from (something or some place)
  • return it with interest
  • return the compliment
  • return the favor
  • return to
  • return to (one's) muttons
  • return to (someone, something, or some place)
  • return to form
  • return to haunt
  • return to haunt (one)
  • return to some place
  • return to the charge
  • return to the fold
  • return with
  • the law of diminishing returns
  • the point of no return
References in classic literature
Six epics with the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey" made up the Trojan Cycle -- The "Cyprian Lays", the "Iliad", the "Aethiopis", the "Little Illiad", the "Sack of Troy", the "Returns", the "Odyssey", and the "Telegony".
With his hidden city upon the island of Anoroc as a base, and his savage warriors as escort Perry and I could have accomplished much in the line of exploration, and I hoped that were we successful in our effort to escape we might return to Anoroc later.
Villefort dictated a petition, in which, from an excellent intention, no doubt, Dantes' patriotic services were exaggerated, and he was made out one of the most active agents of Napoleon's return. It was evident that at the sight of this document the minister would instantly release him.
Crooks and his companions had been completely disheartened by this retrograde march through a bleak and barren country; and had found, computing from their progress and the accumulating difficulties besetting every step, that it would be impossible to reach Henry's Fort and return to the main body in the course of the winter.
To celebrate the return of its most illustrious member and his two companions, the Gun Club decided upon giving a banquet, but a banquet worthy of the conquerors, worthy of the American people, and under such conditions that all the inhabitants of the Union could directly take part in it.
Whitely and Olson were up and dressed when we returned, and we all sat down to a good breakfast.
Her return to me, under these circumstances, was simply a question of time: any duty which she had once undertaken was an imperative duty in her estimation, no matter how trifling it might be.
Mr Jones, being now returned to his own bed (but from whence he returned we must beg to be excused from relating), summoned Partridge from this agreeable company, who, after a ceremonious preface, having obtained leave to offer his advice, delivered himself as follows:--
I climbed the topmost summit, And my gaze swept far and wide For the garden roof where my brother stood, And I fancied that he sighed: My brother serves as a soldier With his comrades night and day; But my brother is wise, and may yet return, Though the dead lie far away.
Von Horn's rash adventure had been suggested by the hope that he might, by bribing some of the natives with Barunda's uncle, make way with the treasure before Muda Saffir arrived to claim it, or, failing that, learn its exact whereabouts that he might return for it with an adequate force later.
But here is the story of his return to Mars on that other occasion, as I have gleaned it from the great mass of notes which he left for me upon the table of his room in the hotel at Richmond.
There are no estates to manage, no rents to return so much per cent upon in bad times (which is an extremely dear way of getting your name into the newspapers), no voters to become parboiled in hot water with, no agents to take the cream off the milk before it comes to table.
Inhabitants, return with confidence to your abodes!
We waited therefore with the greatest impatience, for the return of Edward in order to impart to him the result of our Deliberations.
They are misplaced between us,' returned the other, waving his hand, 'and say plainly what we have to say.