
retool for (something)

1. To furnish or equip with a new set of tools, equipment, machinery, etc., for the production of some new or different thing. We're planning on retooling for the next line of computer chips in the coming weeks. We have an annual plant shutdown in the summer. It gives our employees a chance to take a vacation while we retool for a new model of cars.
2. To revise, reorganize, or bring up to date for some purpose, goal, or change. The city is frantically trying to retool for an ever-expanding population that has already begun putting strain on its infrastructure. Our consultants specialize in helping individuals and small business owners retool for radical changes in their business plans or structures.
3. To acquire the skills and know-how needed for some pursuit or challenge. I studied English in college, but I'd like to retool for a career in finance. Many people are finding they need to retool for a marketplace that is increasingly dependent on online technologies and skills.
4. To furnish or equip a factory or manufacturing plant with a new set of tools, equipment, machinery, etc., for the production of some new or different thing. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "retool" and "for." It will take a sizable chunk of money to retool the factory for such a radically different kind of product. We've finished retooling the processing plant for the new type of microchips.
5. To revise, reorganize, or bring up to date someone, something, or oneself for a particular purpose, goal, or change. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "retool" and "for." The bank is retooling their online infrastructure to bring it in line with their competitors. The political party is retooling some of their stances on social issues to appeal to a broader demographic of voters.
6. To furnish or provide oneself with the skills and know-how needed for some pursuit or challenge. In this usage, a reflexive pronoun is used between "retool" and "for." The seminar is aimed at anyone who wants to retool themselves for a more lucrative career. She said she's retooling herself for a possible career in science education.
See also: retool
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

retool for something

1. Lit. to set up with new or altered tools for a different kind of production. The factory was closed down so they could retool for next year's model. How soon can we retool for this new line ofproducts?
2. Fig. to prepare oneself for a different kind of work. He decided to retool for a new job in the computer industry. I am too old to retool for a job like this.
See also: retool

retool something for something

to set up a factory with new or altered tools for a different kind of production. The manager decided to retool the factory for greater efficiency. We will retool the plant for next year's models.
See also: retool
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • accommodate (oneself) to (something)
  • accommodate oneself to
  • a go (at someone or something)
  • have a go
  • have a go (at someone or something)
  • have a go at
  • have a go at someone
  • new kid on the block
  • a new kid on the block
  • a/the new kid on the block
References in periodicals archive
Specific to breastfeeding promotion, we should retool "Rosie the Riveter" to "Barbara the Breastfeeder" in the War against Illness.
General Motors said it will invest $150 million to retool its Doraville, GA, assembly plant to build a new line of minivans in 2005.
Since ADT has been given to people for 30 years, "we can essentially retool an existing drug" to fight cancer, says molecular geneticist Frank J.
Martin hopes to someday publish his own comic caper."l have to rewrite and retool a couple to make them appropriate for all ages, which seems to be the way to go ...
Some organizations will experience XML shock as they retool information systems departments and computer infrastructures.
It is possible, and often preferable, to retool and restructure an existing PHO or MSO while retaining the core partnerships.
M2 EQUITYBITES-May 30, 2019--Tesla to retool California plant
Auto Business News-May 30, 2019--Tesla to retool California plant
Where three years ago we might have thought we had a decade to retool our forces and alliances, today we find ourselves in a race against time to suppress the terrorist forces, and to cool the level of popular rage and frustration before we suffer much more from the Islamic extremist contagion.
transmission facility to retool a line designed for a front-wheel drive automotive transmission to produce several variants of a new rear-wheel drive unit.
This is especially true to job shops and manufacturers who need to be able to retool a production line quickly to meet deadlines.
After the client is served, the school creates a new version of the course, minus proprietary information, for its own use.) It simply can't afford to retool as a global business school.
"Unlike the executive branch departments, the judicial system cannot rapidly retool or evolve to accommodate the new needs of terror war," write Soafer and Williams, who both belong to the globalist Council on Foreign Relations.
Maybe it's time for insurers to take a lesson from the farming community and retool and consolidate to become more productive.
Today's Republican Party has spent a great deal of time, energy, and money attempting to retool its image as hip, modern, and responsive to the needs of a wide demographic.