
Related to speed: Speed test

(one's) speed

1. slang In line with one's own personal preferences, inclinations, or character. I tried living in New York for a while, but I realized that such hectic city life was definitely not my speed. We used to go on much more adventurous travels when we were younger, but guided group tours are more our speed these days.
2. slang Suited to one's personal skills or abilities. I think Ulysses might be a bit too advanced right now. Let's start with something more your speed, like A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. We want to start expanding our business, as the small scale of this part of the country just isn't our speed.
See also: speed


slang Any illicit stimulant drug, especially amphetamine or methamphetamine. We all used to take speed during college to help us study. The club was full of ravers hopped up on speed.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. n. methamphetamine; amphetamine in general. (Drugs.) Kids think that speed won’t get them into trouble.
2. in. to use methamphetamine; to be high on methamphetamine or amphetamine. (Drugs.) Kids who speed think it is a harmless blow-off.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
  • (one's) speed
  • a turn of speed
  • at full speed
  • at lightning speed
  • at top speed
  • at/with lightning speed
  • clock (someone or something) at (a certain speed)
  • clock (someone or something) at speeds of (some amount)
  • clock at speeds of
  • full pelt/speed/tilt
  • full speed ahead
  • full speed/steam ahead!
  • full steam/speed ahead
  • get up to speed
  • have speeds of (some amount)
  • hit speeds of
  • hit speeds of (some amount)
  • Make haste slowly
  • more haste, less speed
  • My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets
  • pick up speed
  • reach speeds of
  • reach speeds of (up to) (some amount)
  • speed
  • speed away
  • speed by
  • speed demon
  • speed freak
  • speed merchant
  • speed off
  • speed through
  • speed trap
  • speed up
  • speedhead
  • speeds of
  • speeds of (some amount)
  • turn of speed
  • up to par
  • up to speed
  • with lightning speed
References in periodicals archive
To evaluate the influence of design speed on existing speed the study included the measurements of driving speed on free-flow arterials with different regulation speed, number of lanes and different geometrical parameters with appropriate differing design speeds (Lazda, Smirnovs 2011).
Read More On The Global Speed Changer, Industrial High-Speed Drive, And Gear Manufacturing Market Report At:
For fixed, Ookla assesses the best network speeds attained across a given network, accounting for tests that are taken on various speed test applications that connect to a fixed network, including tests taken on mobile phones over a Wi-Fi connection.
They only trigger when you speed past them - different to average speed cameras.
In a joint communication, the two entities said implementation of the new speed limiting devices came to effect in 2014 and has since been revised.
I can remember when a general speed limit of 50mph was introduced during one of the oil crises.
Ookla is responsible for the Speedtest website where internet users can measure their reaction times, and download and upload speeds. The company has just released its latest ranking of global mobile internet speeds based on analysis conducted between January and October.
With regard to crash severity, the operating speed of motor vehicles directly affects the crash outcome.
Abu Dhabi: Motorists in Abu Dhabi have mostly welcomed the removal of the 20km/h speed buffer in the emirate, saying the new system will lead to less confusion on the road as all drivers will be following one set of speed limits.
The probability of death, disfigurement, or debilitating injury grows with higher speed at impact.
For the period, the average download speed hit 15.67 megabits per second from 15.2 Mbps in the pervious quarter.
Currently, Norway has the fastest mobile network with an average speed of 62.66mbps, followed by Netherlands with 53.01mbps, Iceland with 52.78mbps, Singapore with 51.50mbps and Malta in the fifth spot with 50.46mbps.
The Speedtest Global Index compares internet speed data from around the world on a monthly basis.
SPEED cameras - love them or hate them, they usually help put the brakes on speeding motorists.
The inconsistency between functional speed, traffic capacity, and road safety results in roads accidents.