Another has been found willing to
prune away Saint-Germain-des-Pres, the feudal abbey with three bell towers.
Notre Dame de Paris
People who are better able to
prune away irrelevant events are better able to remember pertinent events.
Stop and consider the virtues of forgetfulness
When the plant has made a framework,
prune away extra shoots that sprout from the main stem.
A vine time to plant grapes; 40 LIFESTYLE Gardening with Adrienne Wild; TOP 10 Patio fruit
Besides the occasional memory gaffe, the brain's approach to forgetting serves us well, and our retrieval failures help
prune away memories that we don't really need.
Forgot where you parked? Good
Price has supported efforts to
prune away as much as of the ACA possible by using a budget reconciliation bill.
How HHS secretary contender Tom Price might replace the ACA
After the test, the knowledge is not used on a daily basis and the dendrites begin to
prune away the excess receptors for a signal that stopped firing.
Heavens to Murgatroyd: the Baby Boomers have returned: effective ways to teach Baby Boomer "re-starters"
The way of obedience is narrow in order to
prune away non-essentials, making way for the benefits of God's wider places.
From Outskirts Press: Fellowshipping With Holy Spirit - Up Close and Personal
A: As a general guide for pruning hardwoods, select one main trunk and
prune away secondary stems.
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It can throw up some surprising needs or
prune away some things which you think are important, but really aren't, and this process will gain more traction from now.
Your Stars With Patrick Arundell
Rather than wish that the divine vinegrower might
prune away this one or that one who, in our estimation, is no more than a nuisance or dead weight, we might do well to heed the wise counsel of one of our.
Fruit, of fuel for the fire?
Whether we abstain from meat, gossip, or frivolous spending during Lent, the intent is to weed out and
prune away anything that chokes off our view of the holy.
Can you dig it? Lent is the perfect time for families to go deep and weed our inner gardens
On Shafer's hillside vineyards we had to
prune away about half of our fruit, which was not maturing properly, so at harvest we only picked grapes that had achieved true ripeness.
A winemaker's journal: does vintage matter?
'The scourges of pestilence, famine, wars, and earthquakes have come to be regarded a blessing to overcrowded nations, since they serve to
prune away the luxuriant growth of the human race." Quintus Septimus Florens Tertullianus 3rd cent AID Roman Catholic writer
Quote ... unquote
The arms should be spaced a foot apart on opposite sides of the cordon;
prune away any excess arms during the dormant season.
Peewee kiwis and other sweet delights: these uncommon fruits are tasty and easy to grow
Kocher travels within this space, employing both free verse and formal techniques to deal vividly with the motion of relationships, as in "Taking Down the Ivy," where a lover seems to
prune away roughness with a touch.
When the Moon Knows You're Wandering