rare bird

a rare bird

A person or thing that is very unusual, especially due to a combination of typically incompatible features. Their latest model is a rare bird indeed, a spacious hatchback that still feels premium and elegant in its design. The film is a rare bird—funny, crass, and yet more emotionally powerful than anything I've seen all year.
See also: bird, rare
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

rare bird

an exceptional person or thing; a rarity.
The English expression is a literal translation of the Latin rara avis .
2005 Apollo Magazine Joseph Southall is that rare bird, an Arts and Crafts painter.
See also: bird, rare
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

rare bird

n. an unusual person; a person with rare talents or abilities. An interesting kind of rare bird is the man who can take long vacations and still make money.
See also: bird, rare
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

rare bird, a

An unusual phenomenon or person. The term is a translation from Juvenal’s Satires (ca. a.d. 120), in which, speaking of chastity, he writes, “Rara avis in terris nigroque simillima cygno” (A bird as rare upon the earth as a black swan). The term was soon being applied to other rare phenomena, often as sarcastically as Juvenal had used it, as, for example, for “an honest lawyer” (John Wesley, Journal, 1764).
See also: rare
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • a rare bird
  • rare bird, a
  • odd bird
  • do bird
  • give (one) the bird
  • give someone the bird
  • shoot (one) the bird
  • flip (one) the bird
  • flip someone the bird
  • flip/give/shoot somebody the bird
References in periodicals archive
A very rare bird in Wales and one I really wanted to see.
RARE BIRD: The new Mazda MX-5 Phoenix, latest version of the world's best-selling roadster launched in 1989, is being limited to a production run of only 1,200 vehicles
The rare bird was taken off him and will now be offered to a museum.
WHAT a fantastic week it has been if your interest is rare birds. A flood of good birds have been recorded,mainly a result of the continuing easterly winds.
Another rare bird has had twitchers flocking to the north of Scotland.
It makes me wonder how many rare birds don 't get spotted.
The 34-year-old who runs Birdline Scotland, a company devoted to giving birdwatchers the most up-to-date information about rare birds, said missing the bird was ``a bit depressing''.
5A RARE bird was continuing to attract birdwatchers from all over the country to a north Wales beach yesterday.
Red Kites are being re-introduced to the county as part of a national initiative to restore populations of this rare bird.
At one point last Sunday afternoon as many as 185 bird watchers were seen at Black Rock Sands, near Porthmadog, hoping to photograph the rare bird - last seen in the UK in East Sussex - that normally breeds in the High Arctic.
ANOTHER rare bird has been spotted in North Wales which should have long since flown to escape the cold winter months.
But they were disappointed as it is thought the rare bird may have already moved on.
The Chinese crested tern (Thalasseus bernsteini), a rare bird on the brink of extinction, has been spotted again this year on the Taiwan-held Matsu Islands -- its original habitat -- researchers said Friday.
Cuevas, and part of the simply outstanding 'Tiny Thinkers' series from Rare Bird Books, "Carl Went To The Library: The Inspiration of a Young Carl Sagan" is an extraordinary and unreservedly recommended addition to family, preschool, elementary school, and community library collections!
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List -- a compendium of species facing extinction -- has placed the black-necked stork, a very rare bird species in Asia, as near threatened.