The government will announce measures to
promote engineering exports from the country specially auto-parts, air-conditioners, and motorcycles and introduce new technology in the engineering sectors in Pakistan, he added.
Engineering Board revived
For more information about
Promote Builders or to sign up as a developer or marketer, visit
Programmers Meet Up with Marketing Pros to Promote Software on New Website
* ensure the co-ordination of community services provided by multi-service agencies with those services offered by hospitals, long-term care facilities, mental health services, health care professionals and social service agencies, and to
promote a continuum of health and social services.
Ontario long-term care statute combines 3 acts but no 'revolution', critics say
These studies illuminate one possible explanation for the present shortage of direct, compelling evidence that exercise
promotes sleep: Most of the research thus far has been done on good sleepers, so study design may be imposing a ceiling on sleep improvement.
A new look at exercise for troubled sleep
An international association that seeks to
promote the common business interests of the gold industry by providing information and speaking for the industry.
International Recycling associations
Specifically, the New Protocol eliminates barriers to trade and investment between the two countries, resolves uncertainties under the Old Treaty, curtails abusive use of the treaty, and
promotes improved cooperation in international enforcement of the tax laws of both countries.
TEI comments on Dutch treaty protocol: July 8, 2004
Promote the study of medical aspects of running and endurance events.
Update on the American Road Race Medical Society
promote the establishment of legal protections for investors, improvements in intellectual property protection, more transparent and efficient customs procedures, and greater transparency in government and commercial regulations.
United States Economic and Trade Policy in the Middle East
In addition to promoting long-term, sustainable growth within our own companies, we as business leaders also need to proactively
promote economic development wherever we do business.
The growth imperative
Conference of Mayors is working with the USDA Forest Service and AMERICAN FORESTS to
promote the need for an urban forestry program that will
promote the preservation and creation of urban forest areas; and
Mayors want trees
Therefore, El Salvador now has special regulations to
promote and create incentives for foreign investment.
Legal incentives for foreign investors
She was so appalled at the "scientific misinformation" they contained that she set Out to completely rewrite the course; in the process, she began to
promote abstinence as the only certain way to avoid venereal disease.
Teen abstinence: time magazine feature
The purpose of this article is to integrate current literature on body image and provide school counseling interventions to
promote healthy body image in middle school students.
Promoting healthy body image in middle school
Congress has voted on proposals to
promote corporate responsibility.
Broadening corporate responsibility: is maximizing shareholder value alone a good enough long-term strategy?
Most European nations, including the most generous welfare states of Scandinavia, now
promote programs of this kind.
Ivar Lodemal and Heather Trickey (Eds.), An Offer you Can't Refuse: Workfare in International Perspective