
Note: This page may contain content that is offensive or inappropriate for some readers.


1. offensive slang A derogatory term for a person who has an intellectual disability (formerly called mental retardation). A: "Are you still friends with that retard?" B: "Her name is Janet, and she has Down syndrome, you asshole. Why do you always have to be such an asshole?"
2. offensive slang By extension, a stupid, foolish, or dimwitted person. Bill, you retard, you left the gas running! We could have all been killed! I can't believe I forgot to pick up milk. I'm such a retard sometimes!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. n. a rude nickname for a retarded person. (Derogatory and unkind.) That retard is having a rough time.
2. n. a stupid person. (Also a term of address.) Don’t be a retard! Get with it!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • tard
  • foundry
  • nut factory
  • nut-foundry
  • nuthatch
  • nuthouse
  • saltine
  • latrino
  • nuttery
  • Queens
References in periodicals archive
Because of this history, many in the disability community are offended by the use of the word "retarded" as a synonym for stupid.
Three groups of children based on their level of IQ (Gifted, Average and Retarded) were included in this study; their socio-demographic characteristics are presented below.
Cette norme a fixe la capacite de l'espace aerien tunisien, a 34 mouvements (departs, arrivees et transits) par heure, afin de respecter les standards de securite et la charge de travail des controleurs aeriens, mais les compagnies aeriennes n'ont pas respecte cette norme, d'ou les retards constates, a-t-il releve.
The first questionnaire was designed as an unstructured case with the born of ideas and approaches aiming at the determination and making priority of the mental retarded people's crimes and their causes for committing the related crimes.
Additionally, Inbred, Retarded...or Just Plain Stupid?
The universe of the present study constitute to all the children of age 6-18 years enrolled in the mentally retarded centers and schools, which are working for the mentally retarded children in two, districts named Faisalabad and Islamabad.
Congress enacted its own respectful-language bill called Rosa's Law, which eliminates use of the word retarded in federal statutes.
Though the Institutes for the mentally retarded persons run by the government are few in number still, the year 1981, having been declared as International Disabled Year, Pakistan Government have enforced with a greater threshold for the betterment of mentally retarded and other handicapped the Government of Pakistan focused upon various rehabilitative projects including attitude change campaigns for general masses through media.
Primary school curriculum for educable mentally retarded children was adopted so as to implement beginning in 2001-2002 academic year.
These include the Home for Mentally Retarded Children, Home for Mentally Retarded Adults, School and Home for Mentally Retarded Children, School and Home for Mentally Retarded Adults, Institution for Severe and Profoundly Mentally Retarded Children and Institution for Severe and Profoundly Mentally Retarded Adults.
AN outspoken Kiwi TV presenter has been spared the axe for calling Susan Boyle "retarded".
Summary: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Monday said Tehran considers developing nuclear weapons as "politically retarded".
Ignored, shunned, and invisible; how the label "retarded" has denied freedom and dignity to millions.
The UN's IRIN news agency reports April 10 that al Qaeda militants are training retarded teenagers and, increasingly, using them as decoys in attacks against U.S.
Indeed, Notomi, Takasumi Tanabe, and their colleagues at NTT report, also in the January Nature Photonics, that they've developed a new photonic crystal that retards light more than 170 times as much as the 2005 IBM crystal did.