rest assured

rest assured

To be certain or confident (about something). Usually used as an imperative. Please rest assured that we are doing everything in our power to make your grandmother comfortable here. Every member of our team has over 20 years of experience, so you can rest assured that your investment portfolio is in good hands.
See also: rest
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

rest assured

to be assured; to be certain. Rest assured that you'll receive the best of care. Please rest assured that we will do everything possible to help.
See also: rest
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

rest assured

You can be sure, as in Rest assured that the police will recover your diamonds. This expression uses assured in the sense of "certain" or "confident," a usage dating from the early 1500s.
See also: rest
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

rest asˈsured (that...)

(formal) be completely certain or confident that...: You can rest assured that we will do everything we can to get your money back.
See also: rest
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • come in
  • come in a certain position
  • come on in
  • carry on with (something)
  • buzz off
  • cut it out
  • Cut it out!
  • cut out
  • beat it
  • Beat it!
References in periodicals archive
'Rest Assured' is a program through Kimberly-Clark Professional that was offered for the first time earlier this year to the lodging giants, such as Hyatt and Marriott.
Please rest assured, Mr Armstrong, all the partners you mentioned share your concern and are doing their best to highlight the problems you have expounded and we will keep the pressure on.
Puffenbarger's operation, he can rest assured that he will kill his sugar maples long before global warming or anything else can.
Whether he's to have a full pro model or merely act as an Elemental ambassador while working (skating and making music) with their skate camp programs is up in the air, but rest assured, he'll be doing so with a smile on his face.
Whether our passengers are traveling from central London to Sussex for the countryside or from the Crawley area to cycle around London they can rest assured that Gatwick Express will never fold on this issue." Emmerson Roberts, sakes manager of Brompton Bicycle recently took one of their models on a recent trip to the Channel Islands.
But rest assured that we are relentless about fulfilling our mission.
It is employed more obliquely in Rest Assured, 2001-2005, a hammock made of silicone rubber that neatly embodies the kind of tension between form and function--here a tool for relaxation made of a material that will only relax so far before snapping briskly back--of which Hatoum is a master.
Rest assured that CSPI will continue to help people choose safer, healthier diets.
"Next week is the UK NEPA conference, so for all those of you who are flying in from out of town, rest assured that London is already back at work and returning to normal."
Rest assured that all student information and progress will remain intact when the switch to the new site is made.
Police are said to be hunting the swarm but, rest assured, some of our finest law enforcers are on the case.
Even if what he predicts comes true, I will still do my small part to defend the faith and rest assured by hope that a (potentially) lost battle doesn't mean a lost war.
And, rest assured, the earth sciences are coming up next.
Rest assured. Southern California-based Totally Bamboo offers a range of bamboo kitchenware products ($4 to $195) with a high green profile.
Rest assured that while reading this, you will emote.