rain check

Related to rain check: I'll take a rain check

rain check

1. A substitute ticket or pass to attend an event that has been postponed for a later date. They emailed us a rain check for the concert after the guitarist broke his hand in a rock-climbing accident.
2. By extension, a promise to take up an offer that one has initially declined. I'm sorry, but I'll have to take a rain check for dinner this Saturday. Would next weekend work for you?
See also: check, rain
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

rain check (on something)

1. a piece of paper allowing one to see an event -- which has been canceled -- at a later time. (Originally said of sporting events that had to be canceled because of rain. *Typically: get ~; have ~; take ~; give someone ~.) The game was canceled because of the storm, but we all got rain checks on it. I can't use a rain check because I'm leaving town for a month.
2. a reissuance of an invitation at a later date. (Said to someone who has invited you to something that you cannot attend now, but would like to attend at a later time. *Typically: get ~; have ~; take ~; give someone ~.) We would love to come to your house, but we are busy next Saturday. Could we take a rain check on your kind invitation? Oh, yes. You have a rain check that's good anytime you can come by and visit.
3. a piece of paper that allows one to purchase an item on sale at a later date. (Stores issue these pieces of paper when they run out of specially priced sale merchandise. *Typically: get ~; have ~; take ~; give someone ~.) The store was all out of the shampoo they advertised, but I got a rain check. Yes, you should always take a rain check so you can get it at the sale price later when they have more.
See also: check, rain
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

rain check

A promise that an unaccepted offer will be renewed in the future, as in I can't come to dinner Tuesday but hope you'll give me a rain check. This term comes from baseball, where in the 1880s it became the practice to offer paying spectators a rain check entitling them to future admission for a game that was postponed or ended early owing to bad weather. By the early 1900s the term was transferred to tickets for other kinds of entertainment, and later to a coupon entitling a customer to buy, at a later date and at the same price, a sale item temporarily out of stock.
See also: check, rain
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • take a rain check on (something)
  • crash the gate
  • take a rain check, to
  • tailgate party
  • take a rain check
  • I'll get a rain check
  • I'll take a rain check
  • get a rain check
  • LMK
  • in concert
References in periodicals archive
Ironically, we're likely to see some rain at the Northumbrian WaterAid fixture, but with some sensible dressing there's no reason to take a rain check and miss out on what promises to be an excellent afternoon's racing.
| RAIN CHECK: Greggs chiefs hailed a resilient performance
At 7-1 last year he was clearly good value, but at 13-8 this time I'll have to take a rain check.
"When I left the Cambridge job, I made it plain that I was going to take a rain check in five years," he says.
If you need to take a rain check on something, do it.
Doing so would certainly have separated the men from the boys but, rather than risk hypothermia, the travelling masses took a rain check on that idea.
"He has not been feeling 100 per cent with his knee at the moment so we've had to take a rain check on him until he feels he's got no pain or restriction at all,'' said McLeish.
We took a rain check. And before you laugh at my softness, understand the other three guys were locals, and they were ready for the great indoors, too.
Via FAA Order 7230.16, Pilot Education Program - Operation Rain Check, the FAA has established a formal program for pilots and controllers at radar facilities to help educate each other.
THE musical heaven that is the Godiva Festival is still a week away and tomorrow the Colosseum and the Colly crew are taking a rain check from putting the finishing touches to their contribution by showcasing three top-notch bands.
If that doesn't work, I'll try offering a rain check. If they are still upset, I'll bite the bullet and offer them a larger size at the sale price.
Cinderella will take a rain check to this party, please.
Her checks are good but the separates need a rain check.
RAIN CHECK: Alastair Cook managed to get his eye in with the bat before rain stopped play
Tipp have some very good young players and maybe the disappointing defeat to Longford was the rain check they needed going into the final.