
  • (as) right as rain
  • as right as rain
  • be (as) right as rain
  • be rained in
  • be rained off
  • be rained out
  • charge it to the dust and let the rain settle it
  • come in out of the rain
  • come in out of the rain, know enough to
  • come on to (one)
  • come on to (something)
  • come rain or shine
  • come rain, come shine
  • don't rain on (one's) parade
  • get a rain check
  • I'll get a rain check
  • I'll take a rain check
  • it never rains but it pours
  • it's raining cats and dogs
  • it's raining harder than a cow peeing on a flat rock
  • it's raining harder than a cow pissing on a flat rock
  • It's raining pitchforks
  • it's raining pitchforks (and hammer handles)
  • know enough to come in out of the rain
  • make it rain
  • not know enough to come in out of the rain
  • pour rain
  • pour with rain
  • pouring rain
  • rain cats and dogs
  • rain check
  • rain closet
  • rain down
  • rain down on
  • rain down on (someone or something)
  • rain in
  • rain in on
  • rain in on (someone or something)
  • rain like a cow pissing on a flat rock
  • rain off
  • rain on
  • rain on (one's) parade
  • rain on (someone or something)
  • rain on one's parade
  • rain on parade
  • rain on somebody's parade
  • rain on someone/something
  • rain on someone’s parade
  • rain on someone's parade
  • rain on someone's parade, to
  • rain on somone's parade
  • rain or shine
  • rain out
  • rain pitchforks
  • rain stair-rods
  • rain stopped play
  • rained in
  • raining cats and dogs, it's
  • rain-off
  • rainout
  • right as rain
  • risk of (some inclement weather)
  • risk of rain
  • take a rain check
  • take a rain check on (something)
  • take a rain check, to
  • take a ride to Tyburn
  • when it rains, it pours
  • win some, lose some
References in classic literature
During this time I made my rounds in the woods for game every day when the rain permitted me, and made frequent discoveries in these walks of something or other to my advantage; particularly, I found a kind of wild pigeons, which build, not as wood-pigeons in a tree, but rather as house-pigeons, in the holes of the rocks; and taking some young ones, I endeavoured to breed them up tame, and did so; but when they grew older they flew away, which perhaps was at first for want of feeding them, for I had nothing to give them; however, I frequently found their nests, and got their young ones, which were very good meat.
The rain was already ceasing, and it was beginning to get light when Levin reached them.
Just lately she has been favoring us with almost incessant rain for about three weeks; and I am a demned damp, moist, unpleasant body, as Mr.
She was very much obliged to him, but declined it all, repeating her conviction, that the rain would come to nothing at present, and adding, "I am only waiting for Mr Elliot.
"Only a short time ago you told me there would be no more Rain of Stones or of People," said the Prince.
You are to thank your brother and me for the scheme; it darted into our heads at breakfast-time, I verily believe at the same instant; and we should have been off two hours ago if it had not been for this detestable rain. But it does not signify, the nights are moonlight, and we shall do delightfully.
That the surrounding country was most barren will be readily believed, when it is known that a shower of rain had not fallen during the last thirteen months.
"Who don't know anything of us, and where it comes from; or think how we two drove miles across the moor tonight in the rain that it might reach 'em in time?"
Expatiating upon this learned and remarkable theory, and citing many curious statistical and other facts in its support, Sam Weller beguiled the time until they reached Dunchurch, where a dry postboy and fresh horses were procured; the next stage was Daventry, and the next Towcester; and at the end of each stage it rained harder than it had done at the beginning.
"Heavy showers, with thunderstorms, may be expected to-day," it would say on Monday, and so we would give up our picnic, and stop indoors all day, waiting for the rain. - And people would pass the house, going off in wagonettes and coaches as jolly and merry as could be, the sun shining out, and not a cloud to be seen.
And, besides, he said them little birds had said it was going to rain, and did I want the things to get wet?
On the twelfth of July, on the eve of that action, there was a heavy storm of rain and hail.
Weston's coat, carefully wiped the rain from his hat, and gave the cat its supper, busily talking all the time: now thanking her clerical friend for what he had done; now wondering how the cat had found out the warren; and now lamenting the probable consequences of such a discovery.
They fly far and wide, in rain and sunshine; they know the whole forest here, both within and without."
In his poem called "The Little Rain", which I have (perhaps somewhat rashly) attempted, there is all the graciousness of fine rain falling upon sullen furrows, which charms the world into spring.