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1. slang To punch or strike someone. Tommy saw a kid on the playground bullying his sister, so he went over and boffed him right in the face.
2. slang To vomit. I felt like I was going to boff from seasickness out on that boat.
3. slang To have sex (with someone). I heard that Katie and Brad boffed last night after leaving the bar together.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. tv. to punch someone. Ted boffed Harry playfully.
2. in. to empty one’s stomach; to vomit. (see also barf.) She boffed and boffed, until she was exhausted.
3. tv. & in. to copulate [with] someone. (Usually objectionable.) They were boffing in the faculty lounge and the principal caught them.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • bop
  • take a punch at (someone or something)
  • take a poke at
  • take a poke at (someone or something)
  • take a poke at somebody/something
  • take a poke at someone
  • land a punch
  • pack a punch
  • pack a wallop/punch, to
  • knock (one) cold
References in periodicals archive
Research by Mr Boff found that in London's 13 designated housing zones, a total of more than 27,000 homes could be built on around 491 hectares of underused SIL.
(3) Estacao Experimental de Lages, Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuaria e Extensao Rural de Santa Catarina, Lages, Santa Catarina, 88502-970, Brasil; E-mail: (P.
"The Brazilian bishops, especially the pope's close friend Cardinal Claudio Hummes, have expressly requested Pope Francis to enable married priests in Brazil to return to their pastoral ministry," Boff said.
Linda Boff is Chief Marketing Officer of General Electric.
Linda Boff has been promoted as vice president, chief marketing officer, GE.
In a remarkable broadside on the Tory mayoral candidate, Mr Boff said his party's tactics could damage relations with the Muslim community.
Liberation theologians Leonardo Boff and Clodovis Boff enunciate the empirical, the functional, and the dialectical explanation of poverty.
"Hay que construir un nuevo "ethos" que permitan una nueva convivencia entre los seres humanos y los demas seres de la comunidad biotica, planetaria y cosmica, que propicie nuevamente la fascinacion ante la majestad del universo y la complejidad de las relaciones" (Boff, 2002, p.
And 32 years since they introduced their anti-establishment campaign to music lovers, the ethics are still at the fore for Chumbawamba's lead guitarist, Boff Whalley, whose no-nonsense attitude is now permeating plays, museums and the hills of Liversedge.
By Leonardo Boff, translated from the Portuguese by Phillip Berryman.
Este aspecto e trabalhado pela Teologia da Libertacao (TL) ao perseguir a constituicao de uma consciencia de libertacao, por meio de uma reflexao critica sobre o fenomeno da pobreza e da opressao (BOFF 1980).