Thus, shaving armpits regularly could stop
body odor from smelling.
Body Sweat: Why It Stinks And What To Do
(5,6) However, whether silica supplements protect against the development of dementia has yet to be determined, but this is a small sample of research (1-6) that conclusively supports avoiding the use of any product containing aluminum, including antiperspirants, for reducing perspiration-induced
body odors. If you apply anything to the skin, keep in mind there is no liver organ to filter, metabolize, and convert harmful substances to a less toxic form.
Natural Aromatic Oils Effectively Inhibit Microbial Proliferation and Human Body Odor
Chemical cues released by Litopenaeus vannamei, elicit changes in their ingestion behavior; food ingestion rises with increasing
body odor concentration.
Effect of acidity on ingestive behavior elicited by conspecific chemical cues in litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931)
One reason, she speculated, may be that voice and
body odor are more dependent on fluctuating levels of adult testosterone than on pre-natal testosterone.
Attractive men have long ,C* ring fingers: study
About one-third of patients received nonpsychiatric treatment for the perceived odor "but in no case did this treatment diminish the worry about the perceived
body odor."
Small study highlights olfactory reference syndrome
Because there are some medical conditions where
body odor might be a symptom, you should avoid asking the employee directly if she has a health problem.
Employer has right to address body odor
"It decreases productivity if a person working for you has an offensive
body odor because those affected spend work time talking about it," says Dansby Davis.
Clean up your act! personal hygiene can hamper or help your success
A woman's father--or at least his human leukocyte antigen (HLA) type--has a lot of influence on whether she likes a man's
body odor, University of Chicago researchers report.
Scents of the fathers. (Indications)
The bro-brah emits an eye-watering stench of patchouli oil, barely masking his prodigious
body odor. There is usually a goatee or some other form of stylized face fungus.
Pad Nannies: a park monitor reference guide
Fresh sweat on a clean body doesn't produce
body odor. It needs time to grow a crop of bacteria for that distinctive smell to arise.
Shower-less running
Pregnant women also have a higher average body temperature than nonpregnant women, causing them to sweat more easily and emit a stronger
body odor, the study said.
Malaria risk higher for pregnant women, study shows
Shiseido revised its sales target upward on the grounds that recent media publicity about the
body odor of middle-aged and older men is making them very conscious of it.
Shiseido expecting huge sales of new deodorant for men
So he was sent back to the last stop on the line for crazy old soldiers: to sterile wards smelling of urine, talcum powder,
body odor, and antiseptic; to colorless day rooms rimmed with gaunt and disheveled old men in stained and tattered hospital pajamas, who sit in wheelchairs and do nothing all day; to televisions blaring staff favorites--soap operas and MTV.
A song for my father
Distribution of the company's products--which are formulated with minerals and prebiotics to eliminate
body odor without harmful chemicals--has expanded to and H-E-B, and a prebiotic-based feminine hygiene line is in development for another major retailer.
Honestly pHresh scents positioned for growth
They were also required to wear armpit pads for 12 hours to collect
body odor.
Garlic consumption makes men more desirable to women-study