

dated slang Drunk. Based on the use of alcohol in preserving meat and vegetables. A: "Where's Bill?" B: "Oh, he spends most days getting preserved in the bar down the street." I was pretty preserved after all those shots they kept buying me last night.
See also: preserve
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


mod. alcohol intoxicated. (see also pickled.) He drank a quart of vodka and is totally preserved.
See also: preserve
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • booze
  • blind
  • blinded
  • country drunk
  • sauce up
  • cross-eyed drunk
  • drunk back
  • crosseyed
  • blind drunk
  • all mops and brooms
References in periodicals archive
The beauty of preserved lemons is that no matter where you are, you can get them so long as you're willing to make them yourself.
Conclusion: Hypertension, valvular heart disease and a trial fibrillation is more commonly present in acute heart failure patients with preserved EF.
While there is no bright line rule as to when the duty to preserve attaches and what must be preserved, proposed changes to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 37 highlight the importance of formulating procedures to insure evidence preservation before your company is faced with litigation, and then to act quickly once it reasonably anticipates litigation.
Of these, 554 articles were of wildlife preserved in good condition.
The labial arteries and the facial nerve branches along the periphery of the orbicularis oris are skeletonized and preserved, which allows for the maintenance of their function.
Households probably conserve vegetables because of the absence of inexpensive, readily available, industrially preserved food, particularly in the winter, when fresh vegetables are prohibitively expensive.
Parry and Frank Moore Cross, the present volume presents all the readings preserved on those fragments, assigns them a location in reconstructed columns of the text, and shows how these readings compare with the Masoretic Text and with Septuagintal readings and with the text of Josephus.
"Millions of acres have been preserved in large landscapes and a significant amount of biodiversity has been protected that otherwise would have been lost to development." Says Northrop's Jones: "It was California, then the U.S., now the world."
In its first business endeavor, AGvantage IP negotiated an identity preserved white wheat seed project for Farmland Industries, Kansas City, Mo.
So, what should you do if you suffer the misfortune of dropping a fragile, 20-million-year-old piece of amber that entombs a perfectly preserved fossil termite?
For the preserved lemons, in a medium bowl, mix together the salt, sugar, lemongrass, chili pepper, kaffir lime leaf, and peppercorns.
The philosophy behind this clause is quite simply that it is far less expensive to keep a film safely preserved from the outset, and far more expensive after it has deteriorated.
Today, investigators can reexamine evidence from preserved DNA samples using newer and more sophisticated technologies unavailable when they obtained the evidence.
The three children found in Argentina are ice mummies, bodies preserved in extreme cold.
1.368-1(e)(1)(i) provides that the COI requirement is satisfied if, in substance, a substantial part of the value of the proprietary interest in the target corporation (T) is preserved in the reorganization.