BNP, whose many top leaders appear to be in the soup over some surprises within the party fold, however, kept a
pregnant silence. ''Or is it a foregone conclusion from BNP's side?'' Some of political analysts put such rhetorical question on the fate of the 20-party conglomerate.
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There's a
pregnant silence in the atmosphere between us.
Is a break up calling?
It is from this
pregnant silence and the womb of darkness that the world enlightening thinkers, intellectuals, philosophers, scientists, spiritual leaders, and authors have emerged.
Bibliotheca: The Road to Wisdom: Quest in to a Creative Self
But there's a
pregnant silence when people discuss peace and order in the city.
After a
pregnant silence, three-yearold Tyler Morgan smiled and conceded a "yes" with a nod.
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His services to society notwithstanding, the state and central health authorities have maintained a
pregnant silence on his endeavours so far, especially on his pleas to enforce a blanket ban on all kinds of sex determination tests.
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THE FRENZY of the longest and hardest poll campaign ever gave way to a
pregnant silence on the eve of verdict day.
You'll get a
pregnant silence with much head scratching.
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25, 2012) As the world marks the International Day to End Violence Against Women, rights group Tanggol Bayi criticized the "deafening but
pregnant silence" of President Benigno Aquino III on violations committed against female human rights defenders.
Women's groups slam government's silence on rights violations
pregnant silence on the subject of nationalisation (while possibly designed to put pressure on banks to lend) led to fears of further dilutive equity injections at a time when private capital lacked the confidence to invest.
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There was a
pregnant silence, then a sigh fell from Cathy lips.
After about 30 agonising seconds of
pregnant silence Nargis shot back with her brilliant response: "Could you repeat the question?"
Readers of Wordsworth need to be aware, first of all, of the nature of solitude and its psychological and human ecological effects: not only the solitude and
pregnant silence of an empty church or deserted building, but solitude in the midst of wind or rain or the movement of nature.
Wordsworth's environmental ethics
As Hugh sat hunched like an errant schoolboy, his interrogator allowed a long,
pregnant silence before shaking his head and saying, "Just what the hell were you thinking?"
Hugh Grant agreed to be on after his little brush with the law. He told me to ask him anything I wanted. That interview saved my show...; Jay Leno reveals how he has Hugh Grant to thank for his long reign as the talk show king of the US
You could sit in
pregnant silence before the Blessed Sacrament, keeping the holy hour that Peter, James, and John were unable to keep.
3 ways to get into spiritual shape this Lent: Lent is a time of spiritual awakening. It is the time when we act to improve the quality of our friendship with God, who is eternal love