

1. adjective, slang Infected by the HIV virus. A shortened and stylized form of "positive." The support group was set up for poz men and women of any sexual orientation. He broke down in tears when he told me that he had tested poz.
2. verb, slang To infect someone with the HIV virus. I don't have sex with anyone unless we use condoms because I'm scared to death of pozzing someone.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


mod. HIV positive. He was afraid he would turn up poz.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • sweet
  • sweeter
  • gonzo
  • preppie
  • preppy
  • bulletproof
  • SBD
  • spastic
  • psycho
  • appropriate for
References in periodicals archive
Martinez also admitted he already had Briguela in mind to play Chuchay while he was reading Segundo 'Jun' Matias Jr.'s novel 'Mga Batang Poz' to which the online series was based on.
* z dnia 7 lipca 1995 r., II PRN 6/95, OSNAPiUS 1996, nr 4, poz. 61, w ktorym uzasadniano, ze: "[...] do roszczen odszkodowawczych opartych na przepisach Kodeksu cywilnego z tytulu szkod wywolanych wypadkiem przy pracy, choroba zawodowa lub pracownicza (art.
They're on bus stops and TV." Schulman also turns her guns on POZ, which was founded by Scan Strub, who has had HIV for more than seventeen years.
Dahil alam nila kung ano yung mangyayari,' Matias said Wednesday in the press conference of 'Mga Batang Poz.'
It's a regular occurrence for me to receive a particular message from other poz guys, mostly when I am traveling in the South.
A new Web site provided by POZ allows people to request an absentee ballot online if they are eligible to vote absentee.
Terrell is a New York-based journalist who also writes for Poz and RealHealth.
She recently left New York City and POZ, a monthly national magazine, for people living with HIV, where she edited the news and culture section.
An overview of the growing problem of bone disease -- especially avascular necrosis (also called osteonecrosis, or aseptic necrosis), which is requiring an increasing number of hip replacements in persons who have had AIDS and been on HAART for many years, was published in the April 2002 issue of POZ ("Hip to the Future," by Anne-christine d'Adesky, page 28-31 and 39).
"Poz 4 Poz" and "Neg-UB2" are slogans we need to see more of.
The December issue of POZ magazine (page 60) published a list of 12 organizations in the U.S.