
Related to power: electric power, power series
  • absolute power corrupts absolutely
  • all power to your elbow
  • be in power
  • be the power behind the throne
  • brown power
  • come into power
  • corridors of power
  • do (one) a power of good
  • do (one) a/the world of good
  • do a power of good
  • do a power of good, to
  • do somebody/something a power/world of good
  • do someone or something a power of good
  • exercise power over
  • exercise power over (someone or something)
  • fall from power
  • flower children
  • get into power
  • gray power
  • hard power
  • have no staying power
  • in power
  • knowledge is power
  • lie in
  • lust for power
  • money is power
  • more power to (someone or something)
  • more power to somebody's elbow
  • more power to someone
  • More power to you!
  • more power to you/him/them
  • more power to your elbow
  • more power to your elbow!
  • on a power trip
  • people power
  • power (something) with (something else)
  • power behind the throne
  • power behind the throne, the
  • power chord
  • power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely
  • power down
  • power dressing
  • power hitter
  • power lunch/breakfast
  • power off
  • power on
  • power play
  • power tool
  • power trip
  • power up
  • power with
  • powerhouse
  • powers that be
  • powers that be, the
  • powerstudy
  • pulling power
  • put (one) in power
  • put (one) into power
  • put into power
  • soft power
  • staying power
  • the balance of power
  • the corridors of power
  • the power behind the throne
  • the powers that be
  • water power
  • with great (something) comes great (something else)
References in classic literature
Speaking so, the historians of culture involuntarily contradict themselves, and show that the new force they have devised does not account for what happens in history, and that history can only be explained by introducing a power which they apparently do not recognize.
In the preceding inquiries the powers of the convention have been analyzed and tried with the same rigor, and by the same rules, as if they had been real and final powers for the establishment of a Constitution for the United States.
They had seen, in a variety of instances, assumptions by Congress, not only of recommendatory, but of operative, powers, warranted, in the public estimation, by occasions and objects infinitely less urgent than those by which their conduct was to be governed.
The sum of what has been here advanced and proved is, that the charge against the convention of exceeding their powers, except in one instance little urged by the objectors, has no foundation to support it; that if they had exceeded their powers, they were not only warranted, but required, as the confidential servants of their country, by the circumstances in which they were placed, to exercise the liberty which they assume; and that finally, if they had violated both their powers and their obligations, in proposing a Constitution, this ought nevertheless to be embraced, if it be calculated to accomplish the views and happiness of the people of America.
And even thou, discerning one, art only a path and footstep of my will: verily, my Will to Power walketh even on the feet of thy Will to Truth!
Only where there is life, is there also will: not, however, Will to Life, but--so teach I thee--Will to Power!
Much is reckoned higher than life itself by the living one; but out of the very reckoning speaketh--the Will to Power!"--
With your values and formulae of good and evil, ye exercise power, ye valuing ones: and that is your secret love, and the sparkling, trembling, and overflowing of your souls.
But a stronger power groweth out of your values, and a new surpassing: by it breaketh egg and egg-shell.
Is there not a manifest inconsistency in devolving upon the federal government the care of the general defense, and leaving in the State governments the EFFECTIVE powers by which it is to be provided for?
It will indeed deserve the most vigilant and careful attention of the people, to see that it be modeled in such a manner as to admit of its being safely vested with the requisite powers. If any plan which has been, or may be, offered to our consideration, should not, upon a dispassionate inspection, be found to answer this description, it ought to be rejected.
the two powers is likely to limit the scope of the corporations power in
He told National Assembly that various areas of Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa including Islamabad witnessed power breakdown due to reported fault in Guddu and Muzaffargarh line.
Processing of around 3600 MW R-LNG based power projects by
(3) In contrast, PTT describes international politics as less marked by anarchy and more by a hierarchy resembling a pyramid structure overseen by the respective dominant (i.e., most powerful) power. This dominant power once created and designed the international order according to its convictions, wishes, and interests and since then guarantees and defends this order.