For example, a woman who doesn't know the truth of God's word may not see abortion as a sin; consequently, if she were to have an abortion, she would have no reason to
repent because she didn't commit a sin in her eyes.
Matter of Faith Repent and Believe
When we meet our Master, whether we
repent at seventeen or seventy (if we live that long), we will receive the same reward: life with him.
Will we always have second chances?
Renny Rengganis, a practising Muslim, has no plans to
repent or ditch her tattoos.
Indonesia's tattoo removers zap the sin from your skin
A sinner who refuses to
repent is not condemned because God wants him condemned.
Free will choices: Are we truly free?
"Everyone in either government or whatsoever in Lakes state must
repent and [ask for] forgiveness for one another," he said.
Rumbek Christians prayer for peace as Lent kicks off
By contrast, the biblical exhortations, "
Repent and believe'' and "Be you perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect'' are the desires and prayers of those who seek holiness.
All people called to holiness
Jonah 3:1-5,10 and Mark 1:14-20--Nineveh
repents and God relents, followed by Jesus calling people to
repent, then calling Simon and Andrew to leave their nets and become fishers of men.
Catching fish ... and toddlers: the call to catch people
The second defendant, who announced
repent of what he was proclaiming before being asked to
repent, was sentenced to ten years behind the bars and prevented from travel abroad a similar term of his imprisonment following his final discharge from prison.
Five Sentenced to Different Terms of Prison for Following a Guy in Kuwait Who Claimed to be History's Prophet
Please change your lives,
repent, stop perpetrating evil," Pope Francis pleaded.
Repent ... or face hell
In the traditional version of the service, parents and godparents are asked: "Do you reject the devil and all rebellion against God?" and "Do you
repent of the sins that separate us from God and neighbor?"
Anglicans test new wording
THE Church of England has been accused of "dumbing down" the baptism service, one of the cornerstones of the faith, by changing its wording so parents and godparents no longer have to "
repent sins" and "reject the devil".
'Church should not dumb down baptism'
The holy scriptures tell us there's more joy in heaven over one sinner that
repents than over those who have no reason to
Quick to judge; LETTERS
Meanwhile, the defendant told the Abu Dhabi Court of Appeals that during Ramadan he had time to fast,
repent and even read the Quran several times.
Driver who ran over family tells Abu Dhabi court he has aACAyrepented'
8 to be a "Day of Restoration" and in an official proclamation called on state residents and others to "collectively
repent of distancing ourselves from God and ask for His mercy on us."
AU criticizes Kansas governor for promoting 'ReignDown' rally