When my friend confronted them, they told him to
pound sand and went on about their business.
That means, in effect, for 68 percent of your constituents, you're saying there's no hope, give up:
pound sand, it's over." (112) Even when most do not have college degrees, and when there is no strong empirical backing for more college as the solution to inequality, labour has not been able to significantly alter Democratic Party positions or even their language.
Thomas Geoghegan, Only One Thing Can Save Us: Why America Needs a New Kind of Labor Movement
I called out the two main players who started this nonsense--South African Airways and Emirates--and applauded the intestinal fortitude of Delta Airlines for essentially telling the anti-hunters to go
pound sand.
Antis pressure airlines II
POUND SAND DOWN A RATHOLE To do the simplest thing.
Can you tell your nibby from your Dick's hatband... A GUIDE TO AMERICANISMS or are you just a pumpkin head?
Yet, rather than reasonably suggesting that these special interests
pound sand, you chose to appease.
Council needs to find some spine
Telling a judge to
pound sand, no matter how delicately or diplomatically you put it, is never smart.
MSHA rebuked, not deterred: an ALJ determines that there are outer limits of MSHA's relatively unlimited enforcement authority
"Obama's table and surrounding area was swarming with Secret Service, and security was very tight...Kim's lackey was told to go
pound sand, and it was conveyed to Kim that she wouldn't be able to meet him," added the source further.
Kim Kardashian Banned from Meeting President Obama at Fundraiser Event, Kanye West Reacts
Until you realize the alternative would have been to tell his neighbor "tough luck," "
pound sand"--or whatever--and tell her she was on her own.
A man with a plan
So buy your next 1911 from someone who knows what he's doing and tell the Gun Store Commando (related to Computer Commandos, by the way) to go
pound sand.
Dry-fire dilemma
If anybody has any problem with it, tell them to go
pound sand. You are you.
'We did send them letters and that worked at the time, but this time they told us to go
pound sand,' Lutz said, explaining why the arrests were made.
3 'Orlando Weekly' Managers Arrested for Accepting 'Prostitution' Ads
For example, the same amount of lifting force may be required for a one
pound sand core four feet away from the body as for a four-pound core carried next to the body.
The impact of ergonomics on foundry operations
Something must be in the works, otherwise, Comcast could have told the city to go
pound sand when the first extension request was made.
Comcast role assessed in court of public opinion; Jobs, protections in discussion
I hope Adidas reconsiders their decision to pull these from shelves and tells these offended people to go
pound sand."
Adidas Shackle Shoes Rouse Fury Over Racist Connotation
That's stupid enough, but after the IRS told 'em to
pound sand, the couple said they looked at their options and decided that robbing a bank was their best bet for covering the bills from the florist and the caterer.