"Then, brother," I replied, "you can return to your China,
post haste or at whatever haste you are bound to go, as I am not fit for so long a travel and, besides being ill, I am very much without money, while Emperor for Emperor and Monarch for Monarch, I have at Naples the great Count of Lemos, who, without so many petty titles of colleges and rectorships, sustains me, protects me and does me more favour than I can wish for."
Don Quixote
We should get rid of the 'open skies' policy
post haste. PIA should be handed over to a competent executive from within the airline with 20 or 30 years' service.
Whither PIA
The parents eventually obtained a court order forcing the district to make a decision on the IEP "
post haste" based on the information and medical evaluations already presented.
Award of counsel fees reversed in IDEA dispute
She can hope that EU leaders will recognise that her proposals are the best they can expect and that once they have huffed and puffed for the benefit of domestic audiences they will instruct Michel Barnier to nail down a deal
post haste.
A PM in need of committed allies; WESTERN MAIL
And I should stop my yapping, and make my way to the nearest outdoor purveyor, of drinks,
post haste.
Do we really want to be the Ayia Napa of the UK?
If the party still wants to stay true to the raison d'etre of their existence, they must do a wholesale 'makeover'
post haste, before their substantial financial assets are depleted.
It wasn't a rude awakening! - Lee Yew Meng
We hope the agency would act on it
post haste or before the opening of classes in June to alleviate our worsening traffic woes.
Editorial / Easing traffic woes
The leadership in Pakistan must become cognizant
post haste of the reality on the ground and revert to its ideology by returning the power to the people in real value terms.
Behind bamboo curtain is a new paradigm
With camera in hand, she left for the beleaguered city
post haste. Each of FiliAEs chapters describe the signAEs style with a page explaining its topic.
Grafica de les Ramblas: The Signs of Barcelona
In the last few weeks, I have spokenwith many gurus from the industry, and they felt marketing and communication is a topic that should be addressed
post haste.
The importance of PR and communications in FM
Expect their elementary-school portraits to adorn decks on your local shop's walls
post haste! In other am-to-pro news, Cliche has moved Max Geronzi up the ladder--perhaps due in small part to his Heads interview in this very issue--and Cody Lockwood now has a signature sled on Lifeblood.
Hello goodbye
Approval of budget is one of the very important functions of our assemblies but it is done in
post haste, the CPDI added.
Thorough review of rules of procedure of assemblies sought
But the idea whistles true for every organization plugged into the digital world; every one of those areas needs to be considered, planned for, and implemented
post haste."
Risk assessment focuses on cybersecurity after SEC risk alert
A few days after his autobiography appeared in 2010, I asked George, " How long did it take you to write the book?" His answer was, " About 83 years." His latest book,
Post Haste: Quintessential India is unique.
' George could be hard as a diamond when needed'