(Working Paper 11260) $10 per copy, plus $10 for
postage and handling outside the United States.
Publications received
Copies of the directory are available free of charge from API with a fee for
postage and handling. The programs listed in the directory offer a wide range of accounting and financial management services including basic financial advice and counseling, tax return preparation, accounting and management seminars and workshops, staff training and service on nonprofit boards of directors.
The National Directory of Volunteer Accounting Programs
$18.95, plus $3.00 for
postage and handling ($7.00 for
postage and handling by air outside of the U.S.
Home Health Aides: How to Manage the People Who Help You
(Working Paper 11318) $10 per copy, plus $10 for
postage and handling outside the United States.
Publications received
Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203 for $25, which includes
postage and handling. Debra Wasserman.
The Nut Gourmet
Tables and graphs, 304 pp., hardcover, $29.95 plus $2
postage and handling.
The Greenhouse Effect, Climate Change, and U.S. Forests
Most bookstores will order it for you, or you can order it by sending $17 (includes
postage and handling) to The VRG, EO.
Nutrition hotline: this issue's Nutrition Hotline introduces readers to tempeh and to some great ways to incorporate it into a meal
(Working Paper 11019) $10 per copy, plus $10 for
postage and handling outside the United States.
Publications received
(Working Paper 10663) $10 per copy, plus $10 for
postage and handling outside the United States.
Publications received
This 256-page book can be purchased from The Vegetarian Resource Group by sending $24 per book (includes
postage and handling) to VRG, P.O.
The Veg-Feasting Cookbook
(Working Paper 10569) $10 per copy, plus $10 for
postage and handling outside the United States.
Publications received
To purchase this book, send $18 (includes
postage and handling) to The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O.
Simple Treats: a Wheat-Free, Dairy-Free Guide to Scrumptious Baked Goods
(Working Paper 10428) $10 per copy, plus $10 for
postage and handling outside the United States.
Publications received
You may purchase the book from The Vegetarian Resource Group by sending $23 per book (includes
postage and handling) to VRG, P.O.
The Candle Cafe Cookbook