Benjamin's portion
A particularly large portion (of something), or the largest portion given. A reference to Genesis 43:34, in which Joseph, the son of Jacob who was sold to the Egyptians and became a high-ranking official, treated his former brothers to a feast, with his youngest brother Benjamin receiving a portion five times that of the others. The phrase is used almost exclusively in reference to God or religion. When it comes to the love God gives us, we all have Benjamin's portion—many times more than we might expecte or feel we deserve.
See also: portion
portion out
To divide and distribute portions of something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "portion" and "out." We have to portion out the stew if we're going to feed all these guests. Instead of receiving the lottery winnings in one lump sum, I asked them to portion it out to me for the next 20 years.
See also: out, portion
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
portion something out
to give out shares of something. Who will portion the cake out? She portioned out the chocolate carefully, making sure every one got an equal share.
See also: out, portion
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
a Benjamin's portion (or mess)
the largest share or portion.In the Bible, Benjamin was the youngest son of the Jewish patriarch Jacob . When Jacob's sons encountered their long-lost brother Joseph in Egypt, where he had become a high official, they failed to recognize him, but Joseph generously entertained them: ‘And he took and sent messes [servings of food] unto them from before him: but Benjamin's mess was five times so much as any of their's’ (Genesis 43:34).
See also: portion
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
portion out
To divide something into parts or shares for distribution: The charity raises money and then portions it out among the most needy places. We portioned out the equipment according to how much weight each person could carry.
See also: out, portion
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
- Benjamin's mess
- Benjamin's portion
- a Benjamin's portion
- portion out
- be on the back foot
- go in on (something)
- sleep away
- on the back foot
- lion's share of
- lion's share, the