be that as it may

be that as it may

A set phrase that acknowledges a previous statement as true but ultimately unable to override some fact or sway one's thoughts on the matter. Yes, my daughter made a mistake. But be that as it may, this punishment is much too severe. I'm sure that he really does need help with this project. Be that as it may, I just can't stay any later at work tonight.
See also: may, that
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

be that as it may

Cliché even if what you say is true. l am sorry to hear about your troubles, but, be that as it may, you still must carry out your responsibilities. Be that as it may, I still cannot help you.
See also: may, that
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

be that as it may

Nevertheless, it may be true but, as in Be that as it may, I can't take your place on Monday. This phrase has its roots in be as be may, used from Chaucer's time for about four centuries. [Mid-1800s]
See also: may, that
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

be that as it ˈmay


that’s as ˈmay be

(formal) in spite of that: I know he’s tried hard; be that as it may, his work is just not good enough. ‘That dress cost $800.’ ‘That’s as may be, I still don’t like it.’
See also: may, that
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

be that as it may

Nevertheless. Word for word, this phrase does not really make sense—may what? one could ask—but it has been used as an equivalent to “That may be true but” since the nineteenth century. A slightly different version, be as be may, is found in Chaucer (The Monk’s Tale) and persisted for four or five centuries.
See also: may, that
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • a penny for them
  • beck and call
  • bring (one) over
  • and how
  • and how!
  • et tu, Brute?
  • true to (one's) colors
  • (as) sure as eggs (is eggs)
  • great minds