ain't it the truth
ain't it the truth
A statement of agreement. ("Ain't" is a nonstandard contraction that is considered very informal.) Sometimes but not always followed by a question mark. A: "Trying to get teenagers to put down their cell phones is impossible!" B: "Ain't it the truth?" A: "Having grandkids really keeps you young." B: "Ain't it the truth."
See also: truth
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
Ain't it the truth?
Rur. or Jocular That is true.; Isn't that true? (Used to agree with a statement someone has made.) Jane: I swear, life can be a trial sometimes. Bill: Yes, Lordy. Ain't it the truth?
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
ain't it the truth
That’s definitely so. This slangy phrase dates from about 1900. It is often put regretfully—That’s so but I wish it weren’t—as in “‘I’ll have to lower the price if I want to sell it fast.’—‘Ain’t it the truth.’”
See also: truth
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
- Ain't it the truth?
- confiscate
- confiscate (something) from (someone)
- confiscate from
- go the way of the horse and carriage
- gravitate
- gravitate to
- gravitate to(ward) (someone or something)
- go the way of the horse and buggy
- cellular Macarena