political football

political football

A problem or situation that causes an argument between different political parties, often in an attempt to gain an advantage. It didn't take too long before the issue of property taxes turned into a political football for the candidates.
See also: football, political
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

political football

Fig. an issue that becomes politically divisive; a problem that doesn't get solved because the politics of the issue get in the way. The question of campaign contributions has become a political football. All the politicians who accept questionable money are pointing fingers at each other.
See also: football, political
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

a poˌlitical ˈfootball

an issue or a problem that causes argument and disagreement and that different political groups use to gain votes: It is sad that education is still being used as a political football, instead of action being taken to improve it.
See also: football, political
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • a political football
  • get into an argument
  • get into an argument about (someone or something)
  • get into an argument about (someone or something) with (someone)
  • get into an argument over (someone or something)
  • get into an argument over (someone or something) with (someone)
  • get into an argument with (someone) about (someone or something)
  • add fuel to the fire/flames
  • add fuel to the flame(s)
  • add fuel to the flames
References in periodicals archive
It seems that the public are being treated like a political football between central and local government.
Get in Maybe we should demand that these political parties stop using our National Health Service as a political football and put their differences aside and work together to make sure our NHS is fit for purpose.
Summary: New Delhi [India], Sept 19 (ANI): The Congress on Wednesday accused the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party government of treating the issue of 'Instant Triple Talaq' as a 'political football' for garnering votes rather than ensuring the welfare of Muslim women.
THE EU has created fear among farmers in Northern Ireland by treating the region as a political football in Brexit talks, MPs have been told.
After expelling 23 Russian diplomats, politicians were quick to jump on the World Cup and tried to turn it into a political football. Britain threatened to boycott the tournament but no significant results were produced by the threats.
ACOUNCIL boss has accused the police commissioner of using vital services as a "political football", after she condemned a decision to bar her from a fire and rescue board.
It is high time that we learned to value the treasure that is the Welsh language - a treasure that belongs to all of us - and stopped using it as a political football.
Hunt supporters say they were abiding by the rules and the trust was being used as a "political football".
What cannot be allowed to happen is a well-respected fire service becoming a political football just to justify political ideology.
The most irritating part of this campaign so far has had to be the phrase political football.
The NHS is a political football especially during elections.
In the battle to win over voters at the next election the NHS has become a political football but no matter who wins, the priority must be to give the very best care to patients, at any cost, and no amount of money must be spared to provide adequately trained and properly paid sta".
The traditional parties use the NHS as a political football. Typically, they prefer to fight among themselves rather than serve the general public who pay the bills.
It's time Cllr Davies climbed down off the fence and stood with the other major councils of the north in telling the Labour party to stop playing political football with the region's prosperity."