relate to

relate (something) to (one)

To explain, report, or describe something to one. I was shocked when she related her experiences in the company to me. I can't tell you what it was like for everyone, but I can relate my personal experience to you.
See also: relate

relate (something) to (something)

To associate something with something else; to establish something as being similar to or connected with something else. I guess I'd relate the experience to being on a roller coaster.
See also: relate

relate to (someone or something)

To associate oneself with someone or something; to feel a sense of kinship with or similarity to someone or something. Having grown up in quite a poor household, I could really relate to the character's struggle to find financial success. I'm worried that my son doesn't seem to relate to any of the kids in his class.
See also: relate
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

relate something to someone

to tell something to someone; to narrate something to someone. Very slowly, she related the events of the past week to her parents. I have an interesting story to relate to you.
See also: relate

relate something to something

to associate something to something. I relate this particular problem to the failure of the company to provide proper training. This point is related to what I just told you.
See also: relate

relate to someone or something

to understand, accept, or feel kinship with someone or something. He relates to people well. I really don't relate to your thinking at all.
See also: relate
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

relate to

1. To have a connection, relation, or reference to something: My question relates to your earlier work.
2. To establish a connection, relation, or reference between one thing and another: She related the painful experience to having a tooth pulled at the dentist.
3. To narrate or relay some information to someone; tell something to someone: When he related the story to us, he left out the part about himself.
4. To have or establish a reciprocal relationship with someone; interact with someone: Your child seems to relate well to her peers.
5. To empathize or identify with someone or something: I simply can't relate to such an extreme viewpoint.
See also: relate
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • relate
  • relate (something) to (one)
  • related
  • related to
  • not believe ears
  • widen (one's) horizons
  • expand
  • expand (one's) horizons
  • expand horizons
  • learning experience
References in periodicals archive
It is important to note that supportive expenses do not necessarily relate to all gross income.
Those that relate to Autism include: fear or shock that weakens the Kidney, over-pensiveness that weakens the Spleen and shock and anxiety that weakens the Heart.
Nonetheless, it is hoped that these initiatives will influence, to some extent, some of the funding priorities of NIDRR and the Office of Special Education Programs that relate to technology.
The incidental property must relate to the larger item of property.
In this study, we predicted that students' learning goal orientation would positively relate to their learning strategies, and that their performance goal orientation would negatively relate to their learning strategies.
However, director attitudes did relate to the quality of the camp.
When acquisition costs relate to normal, in-house recurring expenses, the fact they are incremental, directly attributable or related to integration will not make them capitalizable.
The regulations, which relate to business hedging transactions are generally consistent with the temporary and proposed regulations issued on October 18, 1993.
Relate to the registration of the transaction with a Federal, state or local government body.
Indeed, the proposed regulations exact a penalty for activities that may not relate to or benefit a member's employer, but operate to promote the efficiency of the tax--or any other--system as a whole.
For this provision to apply, however, a course must relate to maintaining or improving skills required by the employee's job (rather than meeting the minimum skill level required for the job); further, the education itself must not qualify the individual for a new trade or business.
Deficiencies might relate to an auditor's lack of appropriate qualifications, violation of the due professional care standard or the lack of quality control.
The proposed regulations relate to the profit-split method of computing CTI under section 936(h)(5).
99-23, the Service determined that investigatory expenses that relate to the questions of "whether to acquire a business" and "which business to acquire" are properly deductible.
To our mind's eye, many of the listed characteristics relate to relatively straightforward transactions under reasonably "safe" interpretations of the Canadian Income Tax Act.