rejoice at

rejoice at (something)

To celebrate about or because of something; to be very joyous or delighted about something. People flooded the streets rejoicing at the team's victory. We rejoiced at the announcement that law was being repealed.
See also: rejoice
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

rejoice at something

to celebrate or revel about something. Everyone rejoiced at the lucky events that had saved them. We all rejoiced at the outcome of the election.
See also: rejoice
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • a/the feel of (something)
  • (I) wouldn't (do something) if I were you
  • a straw will show which way the wind blows
  • a crack at (someone or something)
  • all right
  • (you) wanna make something of it?
  • all for the best
  • a thing of the past
  • a slew of (something)
  • a bird in the hand
References in classic literature
But the Tree did not rejoice at all; he grew and grew, and was green both winter and summer.
Napoleon did not notice this expression; he treated Balashev not as an envoy from his enemy, but as a man now fully devoted to him and who must rejoice at his former master's humiliation.
At dinner, having placed Balashev beside him, Napoleon not only treated him amiably but behaved as if Balashev were one of his own courtiers, one of those who sympathized with his plans and ought to rejoice at his success.
Democrats, liberals - even reasonable Republicans - will rejoice at his flip-flopping but the risk for Trump is that he too already appears to be just another of the two-bit establishment politicians he denounced for breaking promises.
And rejoice at this touch THE most heart-lifting aspect of Birmingham life is to stand by the Edgbaston Reservoir shoreline to feed the seagulls that swoop to my hands for the goodies I take them.
And I rejoice at this touch of untamed nature in our city's concrete.
I prefer to rejoice at the brilliance of Ruby Walsh, Tony McCoy, Paul Carberry and Davy Russell.
I refuse to rejoice at the situation in which Messrs Winston, Ferris, Fitzpatrick, and Fletcher currently find themselves.
When the law is changed I will rejoice at being able to use my human right to remain in a public house with my family and friends for longer than an hour, because my breathing will not be affected as it is at the moment.
I will rejoice at having the human right to walk into my place of work without having to walk through clouds of disgusting smoke and the mess on the floors caused by selfish people who can't be bothered to discard their foul rubbish in the proper manner.
Who cares if that new family has not been around as long as you; rejoice at their energy and ideas.
You have made their gladness greater, you have made their joy increase; they rejoice in your presence as people rejoice at harvest time [Isaiah 9:1-2].
I salute you and rejoice at the sight of the gifts bestowed on you by the Almighty, and of the prerogatives with which He has crowned yo u!
The people must thus rejoice at the coming of the Messiah.