reissue to

reissue (something) to (one)

To reallocate, reassign, or redistribute something officially to one again. You'll need to contact the hospital to reissue a new copy of your birth certification to you before you'll be able to complete the application for a new passport. The company has stated that to will reissue tickets to all customers free of charge.
See also: reissue
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

reissue something to someone

to release or distribute to someone something that has been distributed before. I plan to reissue the check to you next week. The check was reissued to Mary the very next day.
See also: reissue
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • reissue
  • reissue (something) to (one)
  • copy down
  • copy out
  • copy out (by hand)
  • in duplicate
  • a copy
  • pass the buck
  • pass the buck, to
  • demote (one) from (something)
References in periodicals archive
Under such circumstances, it would be manifestly unjust to deny him the benefit of a reissue to secure to him his actual invention, provided it is evident that there has been a mistake and he has been guilty of no want of reasonable diligence in discovering it...." (10) Reading Topliff over a century later, it appears that some things never change.
The Mostafazadeh court held that a claim could be broadened in a reissue to incorporate surrendered subject matter if the claim is also materially narrowed with respect to the surrendered subject matter.
156, 171 (1892) ("Under such circumstances, it would be manifestly unjust to deny him the benefit of a reissue to secure to him his actual invention, provided it is evident that there has been a mistake and he has been guilty of no want of reasonable diligence in discovering it....").
Logistic Model Relating Probability of Reissue to Unexplained Underpricing, Partial Adjustment Variables, and Proxies for Ex-Ante Uncertainty Coefficient Asymptotic t-Statistic Constant -5.964 -3.26(**) Initial Res 0.939 1.13 Pdiff -0.822 -0.87 Shsadj 0.628 1.18 Firm Ret 0.966 3.48(**) Mkt Ret -0.640 -0.77 DebtD 0.001 0.00 RankD 0.327 0.85 LnSize 0.488 2.34(*) LnAge 0.013 0.10 Plant -1.087 -1.28 Log-likelihood = - 143.5; Pseudo - |R.sup.2~ = 0.143(***) Notes: * Significant at the 5% level.