

One who is addicted to cocaine. Ralph used to be a cokeaholic, that's why he went to rehab.


Someone who frequently consumes food in excess. Modeled on "alcoholic." I used to be a real foodaholic, but now I'm able to control my portions much more easily.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. a cocaine addict. (Drugs.) When I realized I was a cokeaholic, I decided to stop, but I couldn’t.


n. a glutton. Kelly is a foodaholic and has a real eating problem.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • aholics
  • coke
  • cokeaholic
  • foodaholic
  • cokehead
  • drughead
  • hophead
  • crackhead
  • incentive
  • blower
References in periodicals archive
Its use as a free form (aholic) is also recorded twice.
Becoming a work aholic and an alcoholic didn't make it better but bearable.
Arthur was a work aholic right up to his illness, always on the go.
Linked to a string of famous women including Sadie Frost, ex-heroin addict Russell, 30, is a self-confessed teetotal sex aholic with a growing cult following.
MY name is Fran and I'm a soap- aholic. I confess to watching way more television than is healthy for any normal person.
They paint him as an over-ambitious work- aholic who has no life and no understanding of "normal" people and their concerns.
She said: "I want them to avoid the pitfalls that I've made - bulimia, alcohol addiction, drug dependency, acting out sexually, shopaholic, and all the other 'aholics' that can occur."
He said: "In August 2006 the council was putting out press releases about the fact it had 2m visitors to its libraries and that Wirral was a peninsula of book aholics.
Fiona Kemp, of employee assistance specialists Personal Performance Consultants in Edinburgh, says because work- aholics often enjoy what they do, it may not be them who suffer most from their addiction.