Related to snatch: The Usual Suspects
be snatched from the jaws of death
To be rescued at the last moment from near or certain death. The drowning fishermen were snatched from the jaws of death by a passing cruise ship.
See also: death, jaw, of, snatch
be snatched out of the jaws of death
To be rescued at the last moment from near or certain death. The drowning fishermen were snatched out of the jaws of death by a passing cruise ship. Thanks to the miraculous work of the world-renowned doctor, it seems that the woman has been snatched out of the jaws of death.
See also: death, jaw, of, out, snatch
in snatches
In or for brief periods of time. I caught the speech in snatches, but the kids were screaming in the other room so I couldn't hear the TV properly. I was so anxious about how to pay for the car repairs that I only slept in snatches.
See also: snatch
piece of ass
1. offensive slang Someone with whom to engage in sexual activity; a potential sexual partner. Usually said of a woman. There's a fine-looking piece of ass down at the end of the bar. I'm going to go over and talk to her, see if I can't make something happen.
2. offensive slang By extension, sexual activity in general. Typically said by men to refer to such activity with women. God, I haven't had a piece of ass in weeks! I must be off my game or something.
See also: ass, of, piece
piece of snatch
1. vulgar slang Someone with whom to engage in sexual activity; a potential sexual partner. An offensive term usually said of a woman. There's a fine-looking piece of snatch down at the end of the bar. I'm going to go over and talk to her, see if I can't make something happen.
2. vulgar slang By extension, sexual activity in general. An offensive term typically said by men to refer to such activity with women. God, I haven't had a piece of snatch in weeks! I must be off my game or something.
See also: of, piece, snatch
snatch (one) out of the jaws of death
To rescue one from near or certain death at the very last possible moment. Thankfully, the EMTs arrived to the crash in time to snatch the woman and her child out of the jaws of death. The drowning fishermen were snatched out of the jaws of death by a passing cruise ship.
See also: death, jaw, of, out, snatch
snatch (someone or something) from (someone or something else)
1. To seize or grab hold of someone or something very hastily or suddenly and take them or it away from someone or something else. He reached out and snatched the paper from my hands. Police rushed in and snatched the hostage from the criminal before tackling him to the ground.
2. To cause someone or something to lose control or possession of someone or something, especially very suddenly or unexpectedly. The child protection agency came and snatched our kids away from us without warning. The Labour Party is looking to snatch control of parliament from the Tories.
See also: snatch, something
snatch (someone or something) out of (something)
To seize or grab hold of someone or something very hastily or suddenly and take them or it out of and away from something. He reached out and snatched the paper out of my hands. I caught her snatching a cookie out of the cookie jar. The kidnappers broke into the house and snatched the millionaire's daughter out of her bed.
See also: of, out, snatch
snatch (someone) from the jaws of death
To rescue someone at the last moment from near or certain death. Thankfully, the EMTs arrived to the crash in time to snatch the woman and her child from the jaws of death.
See also: death, jaw, of, snatch
snatch at
1. To grab or grasp at someone or something. The father snatched at his child, but she managed to slip away from him and run back into the playground. I turned around just as I noticed the pickpocket snatching at my wallet.
2. To attempt to obtain, achieve, or make use of something. Be sure to snatch at this opportunity—you might never get another one like it! He's been snatching at reasons to fire Tom for weeks now.
See also: snatch
snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
To fail, lose, or be defeated despite the appearance that one would be victorious, especially due to a mistake, error, or poor judgment. (An ironic reversal of the more common "snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.") We were ahead by nearly 20 points with less than half the quarter remaining—how on earth did we manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory like that? The candidate has led in the polls right up to election day, but with that unfortunate remark last night, he may well have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
See also: defeat, jaw, of, snatch, victory
snatch up
To purchase or acquire something quickly before anyone else has the chance. During the Black Friday sales, customers rush through stores snatching merchandise up at incredibly low prices. The corporation has been snatching up smaller startup companies to broaden its range of products and services.
See also: snatch, up
snatch victory from the jaws of defeat
To win, succeed, or be victorious at the last moment, despite the apparent likelihood of failure or defeat. They were down by nearly 20 points with less than half of the last quarter remaining, but through sheer skill and perseverance they managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. The candidate has been behind in the polls right up to election day, but with that unfortunate remark by his opponent last night, he may end up snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.
See also: defeat, jaw, of, snatch, victory
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
snatch at someone or something
to grasp at someone or something. The mugger snatched at Jane just as she sprayed Mace on him. He snatched at the Mace, but it was too late.
See also: snatch
snatch someone or something (away) from someone or something
to grab and take someone or something from someone or something. The mother snatched her child away from the doctor and fled. she snatched the candy from the child.
See also: snatch
snatch someone out of the jaws of death
and snatch someone from the jaws of deathFig. to save someone from almost certain or imminent death. The soldier snatched the tiny child from the jaws of death.
See also: death, jaw, of, out, snatch
snatch something out of something
to grab something out of something. The police officer snatched the gun out of Don's hand. Mary snatched the piece of chicken out of the fire as soon as it fell in.
See also: of, out, snatch
snatch something up
1. Lit. to grasp something and lift it up. Tom snatched the last cookie up and popped it into his mouth. He snatched up the last piece of cake.
2. Fig. to collect or acquire as many of something as possible. The shoppers snatched the sale merchandise up very quickly. The shoppers snatched up the sale merchandise very quickly.
See also: snatch, up
snatch victory from the jaws of defeat
Cliché to win at the last moment. At the last moment, the team snatched victory from the jaws of defeat with a last-second full-court basket.
See also: defeat, jaw, of, snatch, victory
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
piece of ass
Also, piece of tail. Sexual intercourse, as in He was out for a piece of ass. [ Vulgar slang; mid-1900s]
See also: ass, of, piece
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
in ˈsnatches
for short periods rather than continuously: Sleep came to him in brief snatches. OPPOSITE: at a stretchSee also: snatch
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
snatch at
To attempt to grasp or seize something by grabbing at it suddenly: The police officer snatched at the gun in the robber's hand.
See also: snatch
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
piece of ass
and hunk of ass and hunk of tail and piece of snatch and piece of tail1. n. someone considered as a partner in copulation. (Usually a female. Usually objectionable.) Man, isn’t he a fine looking piece of snatch?
2. n. an act of copulation; copulation with someone. (Usually objectionable.) If Todd doesn’t get a hunk of tail once a day, he’s real grouchy.
See also: ass, of, piece
piece of snatch
verbSee piece of ass
See also: of, piece, snatch
1. tv. to kidnap someone. (Underworld.) We’re gonna snatch the kid when the baby-sitter comes out to see what happened.
2. n. a kidnapping. (Underworld.) The Bradley snatch had the detectives up all night for weeks.
3. tv. to grab something; to steal something. Snatch me the paper there on the table as you walk by, would you please?
4. n. a theft. (Underworld.) The snatch went off without a hitch except that the safe was empty.
5. n. women considered as a receptacle for the penis. (Rude and derogatory.) The sailor walked around the port, looking for some snatch.
mod. arrested. Everybody in the crack house got snatched in the bust.
See also: snatch
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
piece of ass
Vulgar Slang A person, especially a woman, considered sexually attractive.
See also: ass, of, piece
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
- be snatched from the jaws of death
- be snatched out of the jaws of death
- like death warmed over
- between life and death
- from the dead
- dance with death
- have (someone's) blood on (one's) head
- death
- sign (someone's) death warrant
- sign someone's death warrant