

slang Any number, collection, or assortment of monetary coins, especially when viewed more as an inconvenience to carry around; loose change. Primarily heard in UK, Australia, New Zealand. I put in a £20 note into the machine to pay for parking, and it spat out £18 worth of shrapnel! I hate carrying shrapnel around in my pocket, so I put it all into a jar at home that I take to the bank at the end of the month.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. a few small coins left as a tip. He just toked me a few bits of schrapnel!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • small change
  • odds and ends
  • loose change
  • fall over backward
  • fall over backwards
  • trouble (one) for (something)
  • trouble for
  • trouble someone for
  • bend/lean over backward, to
References in periodicals archive
<B Lisa's life was saved by her mobile phone, which was hit by shrapnel
It also allows us as readers to see that gender shrapnel is not a distant theoretical concept; it is a visceral one and affects the author as well.
Jab Mofeed Abed Rabbu (34), who sustained a shrapnel wound to the head;
Only the seventh soldier was wounded by shrapnel but not seriously," Colonel Oueslati indicated, adding that no bullet wound was recorded.
"More than 3000 refugees are gathered at the Greece/FYROM borders, tensions are high, #MSF teams treating injured people with shrapnel wounds," the organization said on Twitter.
It reads: "Wounded by shrapnel at Trones Wood July 30th 1916.
Upon reaching the MASH hospital on Saipan [the largest of the Northern Mariana Islands], the doctors evaluated my injuries and told me they could help, but "I may be lopsided." Finally, after about two weeks I was transported to the navy hospital in Hawaii, where I was treated for three months, first having surgery to remove the shrapnel from my hip, which was never completely removed, then having skin grafts to close the open wound.
Recovered was a shrapnel from an improvised explosive device which was planted few feet away from the entrance of the public market.
A rocket was intercepted over Gush Dan and shrapnel landed in a park in Ramat Gan, while several families were in the park.
New York (AirGuide Features - Inside Air Travel) Tue, Jul 22, 2014 - The Buk SA-11, the weapon that was most likely used to shoot down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, rather than striking an aircraft directly, flies a course that is designed to intercept the targeted aircraft and explode beneath it, creating a cloud of shrapnel. At the end of the missiles' flight, they act "more like a shotgun than a rifle," Mr.
His body has 30 pieces of aluminium shrapnel; broken bones have caused his right leg to be shorter than the left and he suffers from extreme hearing loss.
Mr Al Abbar said on the day his son was taken to hospital doctors said he suffered from shrapnel injuries to his head.
London, March 20 ( ANI ): "Shrapnel" coming from small space rocks that periodically hit the Moon pose a larger risk to lunar missions than earlier believed.
KIEV, Ukraine -- Some people were hit by bricks or sprayed with shrapnel from stun grenades.
If human remains have internal contamination due to shrapnel, then whenever possible, the shrapnel will be removed prior to shipment.