show me the money
show me the money
Prove that you will keep your promises, financial or otherwise. This term dates from the second half of the 1900s and probably originated in poker or another gambling game. It has been widely used in professional sports, where athletes negotiate for more money before agreeing to sign with a team. But it has also been transferred to numerous other venues. A New York Times report indicated that President Barack Obama told BP, the company responsible for a massive oil spill, “Show me the money,” suggesting that BP should put billions in escrow to pay for claims (June 13, 2010). Similarly, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution ran an article saying, “Last month UPS executives proudly detailed the profitable quarter that drove the company cash trove above $4 billion. Wall Street’s response: ‘Show me the money’” (Russell Grantham and Michael E. Kanell, August 16, 2010).
See also: money, show
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
- have an ace in the hole
- the ace in (one's) hand
- the ace in your hand
- ace in the hole
- hole card
- a hole card
- skin game
- you can't bluff a bluffer
- drinking age
- penny-ante game, a