play the ponies

play the ponies

To make bets on the outcomes of horse races. I nearly lost our entire life savings playing the ponies one weekend. After that, I never gambled again in my life. My father always used to take me and my brother to play the ponies on the last Sunday of the month, letting us pick which horse to put the money on.
See also: play, pony
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

play the ponies

 and play the horses
to wager on horse races. I used to play the ponies every afteroon during the summer. Then Iran out of money.
See also: play, pony
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • play the horses
  • such is life
  • Such is life!
  • back the wrong horse
  • so is life
  • another
  • (one had) better get on (one's) horse
  • be on a short leash
  • be on a tight leash
  • jeux
References in periodicals archive
Not only does Saniewski's movie speak two languages (English and Polish) and move through locations in the U.S., Poland and Germany, it also seeks to speak to two widely divergent audiences -- lovers of classical music and folks who play the ponies.
Boring Billy usually pokes his head over the fence just as my main bet of the afternoon is receiving his first reminder of many, and boasts: "Have you seen how high my daffs have grown?" Over the years, I've found the best way to deal with these non-entities who don't play the ponies is to just ignore them until they return to their grey, dull world.
Boring Billy usually pokes his head over the fence just as my main bet of the afternoon is receiving his first reminder of many, and boasts: "Have you seen how high my daffs have grown?" Over the years, I've found the best way to deal with non-entities who don't play the ponies is to just ignore them until they return to their grey, dull world.