
Related to offence: Summary offence

hanging offense

A crime, misdeed, or impropriety that is (hyperbolically) perceived to warrant death by hanging. Primarily heard in US. Political correctness has become so authoritarian these days that saying anything with even the slightest derogatory implication is seen as a hanging offense!
See also: hanging, offense

no offense

What I have said or am about to say is not meant to offend or insult you, even though it could be interpreted that way. No offense, but I think it may be time you cleaned up your kitchen. All I'm saying is that I think we could use some more help with the renovation. No offense, John, you've been a big help.
See also: no, offense

no offense meant

What I have said or am about to say is not meant to offend or insult you, even though it could be interpreted that way. No offense meant, but I think it may be time you cleaned up your kitchen. All I'm saying is that I think we could use some more help with the renovation—no offense meant.
See also: meant, no, offense

no offense taken

I was not offended or insulted by what you just said. A: "Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that we didn't appreciate your help!" B: "No worries, no offense taken."
See also: no, offense, taken

take offence (at something)

To be or feel insulted, offended, or humiliated by something. Primarily heard in UK. I know your jokes were made completely in jest, but I couldn't help taking offence at them. I noticed your parents leaving in a bit of a huff earlier; I do hope they haven't taken offence.
See also: offence, take
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

No offense meant.

I did not mean to offend [you]. (See also No offense taken.) Mary: Excuse that last remark. No offense meant. Susan: It's okay. I was not offended.
See also: meant, no, offense

No offense taken.

I am not offended [by what you said]. (See also No offense meant.) Pete: Excuse that last remark. I did not want to offend you. Tom: It's okay. No offense taken.
See also: no, offense, taken
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

no offense

Please don't feel insulted, I don't mean to offend you, as in No offense, but I think you're mistaken. This expression, first recorded in 1829, generally accompanies a statement that could be regarded as insulting but is not meant to be, as in the example.
See also: no, offense
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

a hanging offence

a fault or crime so serious that the perpetrator should be executed.
1998 Spectator It is hardly a hanging offence to overlook telegrams about a small African country, but surely the Prime Minister must read JIC reports?
See also: hanging, offence
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

no ofˈfence

(spoken) used to say that you do not mean to upset or insult somebody by something you say or do: No offence, but I’d really like to be on my own.
See also: no, offence
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • a hanging offence
  • hanging offense
  • beat the rap
  • hang (someone) for (something)
  • hang for
  • have (one) dead to rights
  • have dead to rights
  • have someone dead to rights
  • bring a charge against
  • bring a charge against (someone)
References in periodicals archive
Vehicle crime was the third most prevalent offence in Pound Hill, with 60 incidents over the 12 months.
The figures are detailed in a report published by the Ministry of Justice, which also showed that "violence against the person" offences now account for more than a quarter of crimes committed by children.
The couple had been charged with acquiring property when they knew or should have known that this constituted the proceeds of committing a predicate offence, a crime that is a component of a more serious offence.
It also ranks in the top 10 for speeding, parking and careless driving offences.
InWarwickshirethere was a total of 1,410 driving offences per 10,000 drivers during the year, making it the third worst overall in the UK.
* facilitation of a UK tax evasion (section 45 offence) and
One offender avoided prison for stealing a car, despite three previous convictions for the same offence and a total of 17 previous convictions.
Sajid Hussain Raza, 42, former head of department Shabana Hussain, 38, and former director of finance Daud Khan, 43, appeared at Leeds Magistrates' Court accused of a number of offences relating to their involvement at Kings Science Academy in Bradford, West Yorkshire.
A child described as a "suspect" is one who is believed to have committed an offence although it has not been proven.
CONVICTION rates for sexual offences fell further last year than any other crime, official figures have revealed.
The committee was informed that Bangladesh and Iran have 252 Pakistani prisoners in jails in offence of violation of immigration laws, overstay, border crossing and miscellaneous cases.
The probability of a whip offence was 1.65 times more likely in a Group or Graded race.
* The period of time since the offence was committed or allegedly committed;
A MERSEYSIDE teen has appeared in court charged with committing 31 offences in just five days.
July 11, 2005: One offence of failing to ensure a child attends school.