The Flex Lease[R] was developed by Capital Lease Funding (CLF) to allow corporate tenants who now hold properties through synthetic leases to remain
off balance sheet while creating a new lease structure, at a competitive rent, with several valuable features: an option to purchase the property anytime after the 10th year of a 20-year lease, at a price that will typically be established at 85% of the original purchase price, and lease renewal options after the 20th year at reduced rents.
Synthetic leases under fire: corporations seek alternatives. (Financial Management)
What's the best strategy for throwing your partner
off balance?
Move that mass!
In response to these concerns, preparation of an "
off balance sheet" (OBS) is sometimes used summarizing those assets and liabilities which are not shown on the traditional balance sheet (TBS) under current generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
Search for better numbers continues
In physical terms, it is the martial arts concept of a neutral stance with a low center of gravity - a position where it is unlikely we can be pulled
off balance by an opposing force.
The minds of a medical director
If Jack, or anyone else, said that to me, they would be the one who was
off balance, because I'd have punched them for basically saying I look fat.
The Killer Pick-Up
He caught me
off balance and put me over at the start of the third,but I was never remotely hurt and it probably worked in my favour.''
Boxing: Jones targets champ Moore
"Most companies have a wait and see attitude until decisions are made by the FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board), which will establish new standards for
off balance sheet financing for real estate and other sectors."
Corporate decision-making slows with shaky economy
Experienced dancers, he notes, can often spot subtle problems, like the feeling of being
off balance. Certain red flags--like stiffness on only one side--can tip physical therapists to trouble in a dancer's lower back, Leslie says.
The facts on backs. (Health and Fitness For Life)
He also notes that the lower gut harbors "a complex little ecosystem." Antibiotics can destroy valuable bacteria in the large intestine and throw the system
off balance, Hunter cautions.
Drugs counteract irritable bowel syndrome
The mix of truth and fiction throws Frazier
off balance. It throws the reader
off balance, too.
AN ELDERLY woman was robbed of her handbag on a Leamington street after being knocked
off balance by a thief.
Elderly woman in bag snatch attack
The draft, intended to be an interim step to improve information about financial instruments in the financial statements, pending completion of the recognition and measurement part of the project, proposed a comprehensive set of disclosures about the credit, liquidity, market, and interest-rate risks of financial instruments, including both assets nd liabilities on and
off balance sheet.
Financial instruments disclosure: the FASB's intentions
England amateur Martin Concepcion, 21, of Beaumont Leys, Leicester, proved it could not have been him because, unlike the attacker, he leads with his right and hits with his left and would have been
off balance.
Boxer's hit clears him
Although I was a bit
off balance at the time, the player definitely shoved me to the deck."
Football: Hugh were spot-on to give us win