
pester (one) about (someone or something)

To annoy, irritate, or badger one continually or relentlessly about someone or something. I wish you would stop pestering me about getting a new bicycle—your birthday will be here soon enough! I mentioned offhandedly that I might be able to fix Janet up with Mark a couple weeks ago, and she's been pestering me about him ever since.
See also: pester

pester (one) into (doing) (something)

To annoy, irritate, or badger one continually or relentlessly to do something. You can't let these pushy merchants pester you into a purchase you don't actually want. The kids pestered me into buying them a dog, but I'm the one who has to take care of it now!
See also: pester

pester (one) out of

1. To annoy, irritate, or badger one continually or relentlessly to no longer do something. My husband pestered me out of buying the sports car I wanted.
2. To annoy, irritate, or badger one to an extremely unpleasant degree. Typically followed by "one's mind/senses/wits/etc." The kids have been pestering me out of my wits lately because they want the latest video game console.
See also: of, out, pester

pester (one) with (something)

To annoy, irritate, or badger one continually or relentlessly because of something in particular. The kids have been pestering me with constant demands for a new puppy. Please don't be one of those groupies that pester the band with requests for an autograph.
See also: pester

pester (someone) for (something)

To continually annoy someone with requests for something. I wish you would stop pestering me for a new bicycle; your birthday will be here soon enough!
See also: pester

pester the life out of (one)

To annoy, irritate, or badger one relentlessly and to an extremely unpleasant degree. The kids have been pestering the life out of me lately because they want the latest video game console.
See also: life, of, out, pester
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

pester someone about someone or something

to bother someone about someone or something. Please don't pester me about Frank. Stop pestering me about money.
See also: pester

pester someone into something

to annoy someone into doing something. We are trying to pester her into accepting the position. I don't want to be pestered into losing my temper!
See also: pester

pester someone out of something

1. to annoy someone out of doing something. Dave pestered Mary out of going away for the weekend. He pestered her out of leaving without him.
2. to annoy one out of one's mind, senses, good manners, etc. I was pestered out of my mind by a series of silly questions.
See also: of, out, pester

pester someone with something

to annoy someone with something. Don't pester me with your constant questions! I was pestered with phone call after phone call.
See also: pester

pester the life out of someone

Fig. to annoy someone excessively. Leave me alone. You are pestering the life out of me. Stop pestering the life out of me!
See also: life, of, out, pester
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • pester (one) about (someone or something)
  • pester about
  • pester (one) with (something)
  • pester with
  • pester the life out of
  • pester the life out of (one)
  • pester (someone) for (something)
  • pester (one) out of
  • pester out of
  • pester into
References in periodicals archive
Mr Pester, then aged 61, was left lying in a pool of blood with horrific injuries.
Supt Pester, who is Greater Manchester Police's south district commander, says the latest arrests are a significant step in tackling the robbery issue on the adjacent route.
Children who watched commercial TV for more than three hours a day were twice as likely to pester their parents for unhealthy food and were more than twice as likely to consume crisps and sugary drinks.
Chairman Richard Meddings insisted the decision for Mr Pester to leave was by "mutual agreement" and denied his departure was linked to the IT migration failure and ongoing investigations.
He insisted that he and Pester had "mutually agreed" it was the right time for him to leave.
Mr Pester said he had agreed with TSB's parent bank, Sabadell, which had been providing its IT platform, that he would take direct control of the platform.
Pester said that his bank was doing what it could to increase competition in the banking sector.
Mr Pester said: "The myth that the big banks seem to perpetuate is that banking is free.
Pester has been accompanied by chief financial officer Darren Pope on a tour of the Square Mile along with bankers from JP Morgan and Citigroup, who will be leading the process.
Knapp and Pester asked if police were there to tell them their daughter had died; officers replied that she was still alive, according to a police report.
10 September 2013 - UK lender Lloyds Banking Group plc (LON:LLOY) may manage to sell its more than 600 bank branches, which it is rebranding as TSB, to a trade or financial buyer ahead of the planned initial public offering for the business next summer, TSB's new CEO Paul Pester said, as cited by Reuters.
PYM uses the pester power of kids to get their mums to do self-examinations which are key to early diagnosis of breast cancer.
Ray Mallon made the plea yesterday at a meeting in Middlesbrough, saying youngsters' use of pester power on their mothers and fathers had already worked to reduce smoking.
It's understood Ms Pester launched a legal challenge against Mrs Irimia and her husband Emile regarding an alleged pounds 5,000 debt involving a recording dispute.