In one experiment, a robot was first shown an object situated to its left, then a different
object to the right; then the process was repeated several times to create an association between the objects and the robot's two postures.
Bodily Posture May Affect Memory, Learning
object to be hidden in the blue region is folded into the dashed green part inside the green region (the background object).
A Third Way to Cloak an Object: Cover-up with a Background Object
We know of no other
Object to Relational Mapping tool that retains linear performance for complex models.
CocoBase Enterprise O/R is a vendor neutral Dynamic
Object to Relational Mapping layer that sits on top of the JDBC driver between the application objects (often running in an application server or stand-alone) and the database (which is usually a relational database for most modern IT organizations).
IBM DB2 UDB 8.2 gets powerful data persistence from CocoBase Enterprise
Centera links the fixed content
object to the application and user via an intermediate data structure, called a c-clip descriptor file (CDF) that contains: time-stamp information, any application-specified meta-data, and the content address for the stored object.
CAS: storage for fixed content; getting the most out of all your information. (Storage Networking)
To implement the first capability, a small "manipulation-control object" is placed near the
object to be controlled.
A knowledge-navigation system for dimensional metrology
To create a hyperlink, click on the
object to display its handles, click on Insert Hyperlink on the Standard toolbar to display the Insert Hyperlink dialog box (see exhibit 14, page 84), select the Place in This Document option and click on the desired worksheet.
Flowcharting made simple
The POA specification also allows a single CORBA
object to be incarnated by one or more servants during its lifetime.
New features for CORBA 3.0: despite its original flexibility and applicability to various environments, CORBA evolves to remain viable as a standard for distributed object-oriented applications
These include the unique sound of a novel word, the acoustic emphasis and falling pitch adults use in the course of pronouncing a new word, the eye gaze and gestures a speaker employs, and the repeated accompaniment of a word with the
object to which it refers.
The name game: young kids grasp new words with intriguing dexterity
However, by setting her story in the Harlem of the '20s, Morrison reminds us of how the Harlem Renaissance, one historical enactment of this desire, omitted the female element from its dominant political discourse despite the number of black women contributing to the movement.(3) This enactment of desire retained the necessary element of violence and ultimately saw its
object to be subjectivity, but it was a black male desire driving toward a black male subjectivity.
Following the traces of female desire in Toni Morrison's 'Jazz'
It simply calls upon the document
object to do the job through a method called "messaging."
An object lesson
Valentin understood that consigning the comic
object to the venues usual to the display of self-conscious imaginative objects--the art gallery, the art museum--would cause them to be interpreted as art.
Concrete comedy: a primer
"The addition of enterprise-level
Object to Relational Mapping with CocoBase(R) is an excellent choice for users of Describe, and is in line with the needs of our enterprise customer base."
Carving illustrates Newton Second Law of Motion (2): An external force on an object causes the
object to accelerate, or speed up, in the direction of the force.
Snowboard superstar. (Physical Science: Newton's Law of Motion)
For multi-user applications with NT and Unix clients, the NAS appliance should allow a file system
object to support both NT-style Security Descriptors and Unix-style permissions.
NAS Technology Is Ready For Prime Time