
not see any objection

To not have or be able to think of any opposition to or disapproval of something. The board didn't see any objection to Mary becoming president of the company. We don't see any objection to your proposal, so long as it's understood that your firm will be covering all the applicable fees.
See also: any, not, objection, see

raise an objection

To vocalize one's objection to or protest against something. If no one raises an objection, we will consider the issue closed for the purposes of our meeting. The legal team for the defendant raised an objection to the prosecutor's line of questioning.
See also: objection, raise

raise an objection (to someone or something)

To make one's opposition to or disapproval of someone or something known or heard. Her parents raised an objection to the wedding because of her fiancé's reputation. We won't raise any objections, so long as it's understood that your firm will be covering all the applicable fees.
See also: objection, raise, someone

see no objection

To not have or be able to think of any opposition to or disapproval of something. The board saw no objection to Mary becoming president of the company. We see no objection to your proposal, so long as it's understood that your firm will be covering all the applicable fees.
See also: no, objection, see
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

not see any objection

(to something) Go to see no objection (to something).
See also: any, not, objection, see

raise (an) objection (to someone or something)

to mention an objection about someone or something. I hope your family won't raise an objection to my staying for dinner. I'm certain no one will raise an objection. We are delighted to have you.
See also: objection, raise

see no objection

(to something) and not see any objection (to something) not to think of any objection to something. I see no objection to your idea. Do you see any objection? I do not see any objection to anything you have done. see one's way (clear) (to do something) to find it possible to do something. I'd be happy if you could see your way clear to attend our meeting. I wanted to be there, but I couldn't see my way clear.
See also: no, objection, see
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

raise an objection

Protest, as in I'll raise no objections to your proposed bill if you promise to support me next time. The use of raise in the sense of "bring up" or "mention" dates from the mid-1600s.
See also: objection, raise
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • not see any objection
  • see no objection
  • raise objection
  • vote with (one's) feet
  • vote with feet
  • vote with one’s feet
  • vote with one's feet
  • vote with your feet
  • what (a) nerve
  • What a nerve!
References in periodicals archive
First, following from the very meaning of professing--and to develop a point previously mooted--full disclosure imposes the obligation to promulgate to the relevant parties one's conscientious objection. This includes one's prospective and current patients, colleagues, employers, and relevant institutions, for example hospitals and insurance companies.
It is improper to make an objection solely to disrupt your opponent's case.
But then the anti-commodificationist's objection is really a non-semiotic one, since the problem lies with what is indicated.
An objection was raised that a loss of Rs290.24 million was incurred in a bid to improve distribution load management through the rail system.
Senator Shibli Faraz of the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) accused members of a political party of defending the audit objections over misappropriations or malpractices conducted during the time their party was in power.
Naumowicz and fellow Elk Grove Village resident Bill Christian filed objections to the candidacies of Lang and Randy Reid, who are running as a slate in a crowded seven-person race.
Parliament's financial and economic affairs committee vice-chairman Jalal Kadhem, Nabeel Al Balooshi, Osama Al Khaja and Ahmed Qarrata had filed objections at the High Appeals Administrative Court.
He said Saifuddin should have acted on the first objection by Semana, but he did not.
The PTI chief also faced objections to his candidature in Islamabad's NA-53.
Summarising the objections, the report, discussed by Wirral councillors on March 22, said: "A large number of objections stated that a branded chain will harm local and independent businesses in the town centre."
ATTY: I am in a deposition and want to see if this is a proper objection.
Here we will argue that contrary to what this study claims, the pervasive practices they mention are not based on conscientious objection. This clarification is needed in respect to those who are objectors and also in respect to the exercise of practices based on conscience.
The first Bi-Annual Monitoring Report on National Finance Commission (NFC) Award for July-December 2015 was given formal approval, with no objection from the provinces, during a meeting held at the Finance Ministry.
A poor introduction can actually cause a prospect to respond with an objection. Absent a compelling introduction, prospects will say things like, "I'm not interested," "I'm already working with someone," "Send me information" and/or many of the other objections sales professionals hear on a daily basis.
Rule 30 of the federal rules states: "An objection must be stated concisely in a nonargumentative and nonsuggestive manner." (9) Since its Florida counterpart was derived directly from Rule 30, (10) Fla.