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rude slang A male who is stupid or irritating. Did you hear that guy's ridiculous question? Geez, what a dickhead.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. n. a stupid person, usually a male. (Rude and derogatory.) See if you can get that dickhead to do it right this time.
2. n. the head of the penis. (Usually objectionable.) If you like your dickhead attached, you had better do just exactly as you are told.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • cabbagehead
  • beetlebrain
  • chowderhead
  • cluck
  • dipwad
  • beetle
  • conehead
  • dinghead
  • blockhead
  • dimwit
References in periodicals archive
'They're dickheads, the lot of them, all I need is their passport.
She said he confessed to firing because he wanted to let Hanley know he was 'no little dickhead'.
This is for everyone who thinks I'm a dickhead. I am just reciprocating.
``That appears to have irritated the defendant who then asked provocatively `Which of you is the dickhead?'.
Could he also be less diplomatic, I wanted to know, having called Blair "a complete dickhead" for following the US into Iraq?
During his run on the programme - which shows families across Britain watching television - he once described Nigel Farage as a "dickhead".
Buffoonish Park Doo-man (Song Kang-ho, Bong's favourite leading man) heads a team of dickhead detectives investigating a string of small-town serial murders in the mid 1980s, a period evoked via rudimentary technology and student protests.
"If there was a dickhead that night, it was me," MP Aaron Gilmore reflecting on how he got intoxicated and called a waiter a 'dickhead' at the Heritage Hotel in Hamner Springs.
'Dickhead,' probably." Their differences are just as stark when they envision their careers years from now.
but if you're a dickhead you're a dickhead." Correct!
I was calling myself all sorts of nasty names for slipping off the football-betting wagon again (idiot, dickhead, mug, knob, dumbo, dipstick, spanner, plonker, prat, loser, numbskull, sausage, etc) and wondering whether I'll ever develop the quality of willpower.
Flamboyant businessman Tim Watts is set to be awarded substantial damages after suing a man who called him a "dickhead" and "money merchant".
He says: "A lot of people think I'm a bit of an idiot, a bit of a dickhead, and I want to prove that I'm not.
In response to Johnson's threats, Ben asked: ``Who are you calling a dickhead?''
You were a dickhead player and you're the same as a coach."