now you're talking

now you're talking

That is what I wanted to hear; that's a good idea or a good plan, especially compared to previous suggestions. A: "We could just have some sandwiches for dinner." B: "Meh." A: "Or we could try that new Thai place." B: "Oh yeah, now you're talking!" A: "I've reconsidered—I want to come on the road trip with you guys." B: "All right, now you're talking! You better pack, because we're leaving in 15!"
See also: now, talk
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

Now you're talking!

Inf. Now you are saying the right things. Tom: I won't put up with her behavior any longer. I'll tell her exactly what I think of it. Bill: Now you're talking! John: When I get back to school, I'm going to study harder than ever. Mother: Now you're talking!
See also: now
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

now you're talking

Good for you, you're saying the right thing, as in You've decided to enter the contest? Now you're talking! [Mid-1800s]
See also: now, talk
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

now you're talking!

COMMON People say Now you're talking! to show that they think that what someone has just said is a good idea or that you would like something they have offered you very much. A ready-made tent — with real beds, cooker and refrigerator — well, now you're talking.
See also: now
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

now you're talking!

used to express your enthusiastic agreement with or approval of a statement or suggestion.
See also: now
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

ˈnow you’re talking

(spoken) used for showing interest and enthusiasm about something just said, for example a good suggestion: ‘Why don’t we go to Paris for the weekend?’ ‘Now you’re talking!’
See also: now, talk
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

Now you’re talking!

exclam. What you are saying is making sense! Now you’re talking! You’ve got a great idea!
See also: now
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • do no good
  • for good measure
  • be as good as new
  • do (one) a/the world of good
  • as good as it gets
  • (one) (has) never had it so good
  • (as) good as new
  • as good as new
  • come up to (one's) expectations
  • expecations