perk up

perk up

To make or become more lively, energetic, attentive, cheerful, dynamic, etc. I wish you would perk up. There are so many exciting things happening, and you're just moping there in the corner! I think I need some coffee to perk me up. I always use some red chilies to perk up my soups and stews.
See also: perk, up

perked up

Stimulated; made to be or feel more awake, alert, and energetic. Hyphenated if used before a noun. I just can't focus until I get perked up with a bit of coffee in the morning. The officer suspected that the perked-up truck driver might have been high on amphetamines.
See also: perk, up
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

perk someone up

to make someone more cheery or refreshed. A nice cup of coffee would really perk me up. A cup of coffee will perk up the sleepiest person.
See also: perk, up

perk something up

to refresh or brighten something; to make something more lively. A bit of bright yellow here and there will perk this room up a lot. We need something to perk up the second act of the play.
See also: perk, up

perk up

to become invigorated; to become more active. After a bit of water, the plants perked up nicely. About noon, Andy perked up and looked wide-awake.
See also: perk, up
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

perk up

Restore to good spirits, liveliness, or good appearance, as in You're exhausted, but a cup of tea will perk you up, or The flowers perked up the whole room. [Mid-1600s]
See also: perk, up
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

perk up

1. To become more lively, cheerful, or attentive: We perked up when we heard the good news. The students perked up when the professor began the lecture.
2. To cause someone or something to become more lively, cheerful, or attentive: The morning coffee really perked me up! I perked up the kitten by feeding it catnip.
3. To refresh the appearance of something: New furniture and paint have perked up the room. Washing the windows has really perked the kitchen up.
See also: perk, up
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.

perked (up)

mod. alcohol intoxicated. (see also pepped (up).) No more. She’s done. She’s perked up for good.
See also: perk, up
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • perked up
  • pay attention
  • pay attention (to someone or something)
  • chirk up
  • if you want a friend, be a friend
  • keep an ear out (for someone or something)
  • listen out for (someone or something)
  • listen for
  • listen for (someone or something)
  • ladies'/lady's man