In other words, preservice teachers who have high levels of TPACK would probably find it easier to use technology and would
perceive using technology as a helpful teaching tool.
Factors Influencing Preservice Teachers' Intention to Use Technology: TPACK, Teacher Self-efficacy, and Technology Acceptance Model
Consumers with high environmental concerns tend to trust a brand if they can
perceive green value from the product.
Green Purchase Intention of Laundry Detergent Powder in Presence of Eco-Friendly Brand
When adolescents
perceive their parents in conflict, their sense of belongingness to parents get threatened and they feel less secure in their own homes (Kumar, Stone, Gerard, and Pemberton, 1997).
Perceived Inter-Parental Conflicts, Emotional Security and Self-Discipline in Adolescents
It may be reasonable to argue that a student may have a positive attitude and eventually adopts technology if he/she
perceives that it will not take much effort and also enhance performance.
Technology acceptance in a sample of college students
Growing numbers of customers now purchase tourism products through websites and
perceive that image and usefulness directly affect their purchase intentions (Chiang & Jang, 2007).
The determinants of intention to use electronic booking among young users in Thailand
Night shift nurses
perceive less support partly from their friends and family and reduce their motivation to work.
Bradberry (2007) posits that identifying one's career choice depends on one's personality traits and how one
perceives a particular job.
Affect of perceived barriers to entrepreneurship on the career choice decision of students: a study of Uttarakhand state, India
People may decide to run the risk because they do not
perceive it as too high, if compared to not hoped-for situations.
Hope, perceived financial risk and propensity for indebtedness
As reputation consists of mainly emotional perceptions that are related to past experiences, and is an important antecedent of perceived quality, which also includes a set of subjective components we can conclude that also in former socialist countries in Europe customers do not
perceive only a rational components of offerings but are also more and more sensitive to emotional aspects of services.
Antecedents and outcomes of perceived service value: evidence from Slovenia
This study also expands the literature on argumentativeness by focusing on how moderate argumentatives
perceive serial arguing.
When serial arguments predict harm: examining the influences of argument function, topic of the argument, perceived resolvability, and argumentativeness
Sanford said the results show that people
perceive a threat to their control, power and status in the relationship when they observe an increase in partner hard emotion and they
perceive partner neglect when they observe an increase in partner flat emotion or a decrease in partner soft emotion.
How partners perceive each other's emotion during relationship fight
Studies have demonstrated that people with ID tend towards an external locus of control (Espie, Gillies, & Montgomery, 1990; Gardner, Warren, & Gardner, 1977; Langdon & Talbot, 2006; Wehmeyer & Palmer, 1997), and may not
perceive that they have control over their decisions (Wehmeyer & Metzler, 1995).
Reviewing theoretical foundations of perceived control: application to health behaviors of adults with intellectual disabilities
Accordingly to that obtained results indicate that respondents
perceive different stimulus contrast, that is, its size varies depending on colour and saturation of the background.
Evaluation of the perception of stimulus contrast in light tones of additive synthesis
In multivariate analyses, women who experienced new multipartnered fertility between surveys were less likely than those who did not to
perceive support (odds ratio, 0.7).
Having children with multiple partners is associated with women's perception of lower social support